Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Our heritage of our crimes against humanity

Rhythmic African Spirituality

Rhythm and percussions are the basic elements of African music. That was transported to the Americas by slave trade. The slaves used this rhythmic chanting of theirs to resist slavery by unifying their work. This led to modern amplified or non-amplified music like Gospels, Negro Spirituals, Jazz, Soul, Rock, Blues, and a lot more even beyond this list. I would even say it is one root of minimalist music. Discover this tremendous cultural revolution with two American artists and similar rhythmic work in Ancient Berber Songs and Music.

We need to reexamine slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade to understand the tremendous development it brought to humanity, though this development was not intended by the slave traders. The tremendous overexploitation of humans that was a crime against humanity brought to humanity a phenomenal cultural transformation. We should re-examine such horrible events, even the Indian genocide in Northern America and see the subsequent development they brought to us all, even if negative sequels are still active today. We have to think of Greece and the Roman Empire that are our direct roots and were slave societies in which the majority of the population were not free, with incredible games for the free public with gladiators, mass executions in circuses with lions, and other wild predators, all kinds of torturing machines, etc. All that thriving long after the end of the Roman Empire in Europe AND in the Americas under the authority of European kings and Christian churches. Crucifixion was not less inhumane than the wheel or lynching. There is a lot of work to do to explore the positive outlet of these horrific events. Auschwitz turned Europe into a peaceful continent, more or less.

Publication Date: 1979
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