Friday, August 30, 2019


We can control Social Networks, dixit Marshall McLuhan

M. McLuhan brings Jericho’s Mediatic Walls Down

Marshall McLuhan understood and explained that television was a new media that had no equal because it required, requested, demanded from the audience instant all-sensorial absolute "like" or "not like."
It has nothing to do with intellectual values, debate or mental arguments. It is only the reaction of all your senses at what yous ee, first and foremost, what you hear and what you feel. If you feel comfortable, you like it. You do not zap and you say it is genially true, no matter what is being said. Remember Hitler in Munich.
Zuckerberg understood this marvellously and he invented the Social Network, a new medium carried by a TV screen attached to a computer's Central Processing Unit and connected to the Internet. It gives the users the feeling of absolute freedom and it is entirely governed by what you see, what you like, what you do not like, what you hear from time to time.
Seeing is the utmost manipulation of one's mind because seeing has the capability of short-circuiting the other senses and particularly the sixcth sense of the Buddhists, the mind.
Then you do not think, you like; you do not ponder and weigh arguments, you like. And if you do not click "like" as expected, then you do not like, hence this is rejected from your data profile and the  adverts of our Zuckerberg will be customised to your likes. And he will make money, a lot of money. You are the bait that attracts advertisers with your gullible "likes.".
The next stage came when Brexiters and Trump-supporters decide'd to use social networks to activate their campaigns. It worked marvellously and we know the mess that came out of it.
Signed August 30, 2019.
Payday is close. But who will pay the bill? Ask Trump and Boris Johnson. They have a fair idea that they will not personally pay it.

Discussion Request
It is high time we go back to Marshall McLuhan and understand he has seen an essential element about television and it is this very element that is used by politicians after the inventors of social networks to marshall their campaigns. This main quality is "all-sensorial agreement." It has become instant "like" on Facebook, the very-well-named: you judge of things only on the face you can get of them in a railways or bus station photo machine that has forgotten its Artificial Intelligence at home, the home of dumb machines.
What do you think we can do with these media and social networks since they are here to stay, with a selection that will come with taxes and back payments in all the countries in the world and will only keep three or four super-powers in mass-social-communication?

Publication Date: 2019
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