Thursday, August 15, 2019


The Mayan tragedy comes to a rebirth

Mayas: War, Sacrifice, Renascence, Drama

The Mayas were one great civilization in America before the arrival of the Spaniards. These Conquistadores brought smallpox first, then military conquest, then Christianity. That meant the wiping out of an enormous proportion of the population; the burning of thousands of books, known as codices, and only four survived; and finally the control, management and banning of their traditional oral culture.

In spite of that tyrannical violence, and it happened in something like fifty years, the Mayas resisted in all possible ways and first of all culturally. They kept their languages, their music, and their musical instruments. They kept their mythological literature and wrote it down from memory. They kept their dramatic tradition but unluckily only a handful of plays were transcribed from memory and have survived in versions more or less adapted to Christianity, hence censored and deeply modified.

Rabinal Achi is one of them and it is being produced and played in Maya-land. Yet the Mayas still have to face tremendous discrimination and even persecution. They used to have an escape toward the USA. But Trump has seen to its not being possible anymore. And yet they do not practice human sacrifice anymore. But That's how Trump and the white supremacists still see them.

Enjoy and meditate. More is to come.

Publication Date: 2019
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