Saturday, June 15, 2019


Neanderthals, our distant cousins we interbred with

Re-evaluating Neanderthals in Europe

Neanderthals are not a mystery at all, but they were a success story for about 500,000 years and suddenly they seem to have disappeared without any real wave at the time. The mystery is why they disappeared. The question about knowing if they evolved from Homo Erectus in the Middle East or in Europe is debatable. In the first case, that would easily explain why all the Homo Sapiens that got out of Black Africa managed to acquire some genes from Homo Neanderthalensis or the Denisovans in Central Asia, with the spreading of these Neanderthal or Denisovan genes to the whole world except Black Africa itself. If they evolved in Europe to move to the Middle East only late, probably after 130,000 years ago, quite a few Homo Sapiens moving out of Black Africa would have missed them. But the question of their sudden disappearance in maybe ten or twenty thousand years remains open knowing they were not in any way massacred, eliminated by any final solution in the hands of Homo Sapiens. They just became extinct.  WHY?

Publication Date: 2019
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