Tuesday, February 05, 2019


Hardly started and already running, what a year!

Guided Self Learning

Tomorrow, or already today, you will have to work with Artificial Intelligence machine. That means you will have to constantly self-learn new skills and new things to be up to these machines and keep them under control. You will constantly be searching for knowledge, accessing it, acquiring it in a way or another, and implementing it in your daily practice. That will be the rule. All other less active and more passive attitudes will be doomed and deemed to disappear. Do you want to disappear with them? And by 2100 the population will just be the same as today because making kids will no longer be the opbjective of both men and women since their objective will be to learn and improve themselves.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name: Internationale Hournal of Family and Business management
Education  *  Didactics  *  Knowledge Society  *  Pedagogy  *  Knowledge Economy

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