Sunday, January 27, 2019


Slavery like racism is absurd

Slavery, A Reflection

The other day in Ivry, France, some tense and dense exchanges between me and an African-American turned short and bitter due to the arrogance of not asking the person she wanted to attack who he was. And what she considered as my ignorance on my part was, in fact, the pure reflection of her ignorance on her part. She was confronted to a challenge with Indian Ocean slavery that she did not know, so she rejected me without inquiring if I knew transatlantic slave trade. American Academic Arrogance, AAA. Nothing ethnic but intellectually tribal.
I have met that arrogance a few times, but it is a shame because we could have exchanged information on the two main slave trades of the planet. But when someone does not want to discuss it is better to shift to another media, which I am doing right now.

Publication Date: 2019
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