Thursday, April 13, 2017


We will all be there, even from far away





The March for Science is a celebration of our passion for science and a call to support and safeguard the scientific community. Recent policy changes have caused heightened worry among scientists, and the incredible and immediate outpouring of support has made clear that these concerns are also shared by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. The mischaracterization of science as a partisan issue, which has given policymakers permission to reject overwhelming evidence, is a critical and urgent matter. It is time for people who support scientific research and evidence-based policies to take a public stand and be counted.

Research Interests:
Social Sciences, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Liberty, and Freedom

Published on Feb 26, 2017
Science has to be civil and civic and advocate human rights, fundamental liberties, particularly the freedoms of expression, religion, the press and all mental speculations, among which science and technology are first and foremost.

Published in: Government & Nonprofit

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