Sunday, February 19, 2017


Trump-card in Florida: terrorist attack in Sweden


Home-Made Terrorism

Home-Grown Terroism

Look around and follow the tracks of the monstrous fear-hate that inhabits some minds, some people, that is encouraged and even solicited by some politicians who pretend they are not, . . . politicians.

Hypocrisy has no end and staged shock, horror, obstinacy, and so many other emotions, with body language added to it, with a tie like in Washington DC or with no tie like in Florida.

Follow the footsteps: London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Nice, Pakistan weekly or so, Iraq daily or so, South Carolina, Québec. Maybe Sweden since the anti-fake-news gentleman says so, though he forgot Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq. Anyway these only get what they deserve since we rocked the boat and capsized it into daily terrorist violence.

Some may not like it but that’s too bad for them:
·         slavery was a crime against humanity;
·         the genocide of Indians and Native Americans was a crime against humanity;
·         colonialism was a crime against humanity;
·         forced deportation from the colonies to Europe was a crime against humanity;
·         apartheid, segregation, discrimination were crimes against humanity.

The list could be long if we considered a few other of these crimes like sending American troops in Iraq because of some Weapons of Mass Destruction that were never found.

And some think that terrorism is the new Jericho and that blowing a trumpet will be enough. And Sodom and Gomorrah are going to burn with the flames of God in a minute, when the great guru tells his angels to cast the fire of salvation, the nuclear fire of salvation of course.


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