Saturday, August 27, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau & Dexter at (46)
Dexter's Death
is a Cope Out
I discovered Dexter on bus stops in Paris. Advertisements for the series. I was
curious. I got the omnibus, the first three novels. Then I was infested and I
ordered the first four seasons or so and all the books and since then the
sequels and new seasons.
I have lost some mental weight with him but I think he is becoming slightly too
religious in his sixth season, and what’s more very one-sided, or should I say
three-sided? I am not sure since the three religions behind it all come from
the same melting pot.
What is interesting is the idea that some people have a dark passenger who
makes them kill, and that dark passenger is a guest that comes in when a child
is traumatized in a way or another in his/her very young age. That’s slightly
simple minded. But that creates a good character for a thriller, especially
when one of these criminals with dark passengers has been trained or retrained
– in order to be refrained – into only killing people who deserve to die
because they are evil. I have already seen that in Anne Rice’s vampires,
witches and recently werewolves.
But what is evil, great master?
Evil is what I consider evil, though killing is what makes me full, gives me
happiness, and what’s more it replaces any kind of enjoyment. This
darkly-inhabited social protector comes, or should I write cums, by killing and
in killing. The rest is nothing but blah blah to feel better, though he will
never tell anyone.
And imagine your own sister seeing you in the act ! ! ! Yum, yum, I like that
indeed. And pass me the knife over and pass me the salt over and pass me the
red blood over.
Unluckily it got short lived on TV with its eighth season when he gets “killed”
and in fact escape punishment. But he also gets killed in the eighth book and
this time sloppily, rapidly, urgently. Killed, disposed of and liquidated. The
author is obviously bored with his character and since a character is
expendable, let’s kill him and forget about it
Shame on you! No author gas that divine right of life and death!

# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:11 PM
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau at (51)
This series is a masterpiece in a way, not by
its producer but in itself. Note this is true for several reasons, over six seasons of course, six
the number of Solomon’s wisdom.
1- The period chosen here is
crucial for the modern world. It
is when the colonial mind of our European culture reached its summit and
started its downfall with the First World War. After WWI colonialism in Europe
was finished, even in spite of the Nazi relapse.
2- In Great Britain
it was crucial the aristocracy came to terms with the social transformation of
women having to be recognized as crucial in society and as having to hold jobs
and social positions. Note that could also be true for the whole western world
after WWI.
3- In Great Britain it was urgent
they came to terms with the Irish question and it was hard in this noble family
for whom an Irishman could be a chauffeur but the husband of one of their
daughters, of the youngest most rebellious of the three daughters, that was an
other story.
4- In the whole world it came
to the surface of history that everyone had to have, has to have, a money
earning job of some kind and that everyone has to live with the means they are
able to earn by their work. The aristocracy has to learn that their mansions are
not only theirs but they are the heritage of humanity and as such they have to
open them to the curiosity of simple people, and that can become a regular
income to take care of this heritage.
5- In the whole world too it
is to be assumed that servants are no longer a special class serving the
aristocracy – and the rich – in total subservience. Servants could never be the
same and the number of servants had to go down and many had to find new social
positions for which they were qualified or could acquire qualification,
provided education was open to all.
It is such questions and
quite a few more that make this series a real masterpiece and the production is
so lavish, florid, beautiful, extravagant that no one can resist and not push
the door or the TV remote control’s button to start the adventure.
Research Interests:
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:03 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau & Harry Potter at (64)
J.K. Rowling had sworn she was finished with Harry
Potter, sworn so loud that everyone knew it was a lie. She tried some other
styles but it did not work really.
So revive that poor dead and buried Harry Potter the author changes media and
shifts from the printing press to the theater stage where she finds two people
who are going to help her in that new venture, a playwright and a stage
The play in London
was and is a success but the book, though bestselling is going to be
disappointing to the readers who have not seen the play. The money-making logic
of the venture will lead the producers of the play to releasing a DVD-Bluray
capture of the stage production as fast as possible for the millions of people
who want more than a few stage directions. She might be tempted to shift
directly to a cinema production but that will frustrate the readers the same
way since a cinema production cannot be compared to a play. It is like
moonshine and starshine in a fully sunny sky. The film will have to betray the
play to be realistic in its special effects.
But what I discover is that the author, from the very start, is obsessed by
trilogies, triads, ternary structures, and so on.

Popular literature is the mirror in which the
standard literate audience of any country, even the world, is looking at
itself. The authors are only the go-between and the intercessors. There is no
hope for anyone in this globalized world if we do not have some popular
literature, becoming films, TV series and whatever can reach the WIDEST
audience that enables people to dream and be haunted by the liberating
cathartic vision of a multi-layer world.
J.K. Rowling is a ternary mind (probably from too
much Christian education), so she sees a world cut in three tiers.
On top the muggle world, the one you and I can see
Under or behind the world of wizards and
witchcraft, but the good one, that of Harry Potter and consorts.
Finally even deeper or farther behind the world of
Voldemort, the wizard turned wicked, evil and morbid, the populist wizard
calling for the persecution of muggles, the cult of pure bloods , the full
domination of everyone by his dung beetles and Shadows of Death.
It is a nightmare that we have to keep in mind all
the time. It takes very little for this world of evil populist fascistic
isolationist and imperialistic policies to become true any time and start a
burkini witch hunt.
That's why Harry Potter is the catharsis we need
for us not to vote for the lethal and death-bringing trompe l'oeil politicians
that try to hypnotize us into locking the doors and the windows, even the
chimneys of course, to anything that is not pure, meaning purely us and nothing
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:31 PM
Without special effects it is bread without salt and a summer day without sunshine
I can’t resist and I will start
with the new triad J-K (Rowling), John/Jack (Tiffany) and Jack (Thorne) like an
echo of another trinity Jesus-James-John, the master/teacher/rabbi, the brother and the youngest
apostle hence the son, presented as such by Jesus to his mother Mary from his
cross. I will not follow that line with this new volume but it is constantly
present, especially with the two boys Albus and Scorpius who are always running
after a third one like Cedric twice and then Delphi both the predator and the
prey of the two boys trying to deal with another triad, herself, her father
Voldemort and his arch enemy Harry Potter and to move away from the ill-fated
triad James Potter Sr., Lily Potter and Harry Potter. It could only lead to a
catastrophe since then Voldemort would be building a quartet with the three

First of all it is a strange book
indeed since it is a play and not a novel. So we get no descriptions, or hardly
any since stage directions are not as good as prose. It is essentially a
dialogue between or among two characters or more, cut up in rather short
scenes. You have to rebuild everything in your mind’s eye, if you have a mind
and if you have an eye in that mind and thirdly if you can, because it is hard
to know the precise intonations intended in these dialogues and at times the
meaning depends on these intonations. In other words you, Harry Potter addicts,
are going to be frustrated and maladjusted in this dry scenario.

The second remark I will make is
that what we read implies a tremendous level of special effects. That is easy
in a film or TV series but on a stage…? So you will never get the real thing if
you can’t see it on stage and if they do not propose a capture of the play on
DVD, a real capture with no re-mastered special effects. Some of them are not
very creative. Shape-shifting and shape shifters have become very banal and
common place after “Supernatural” (How many season already?), “The X Files”
(quite a few seasons too, and they stopped though they are speaking of starting
again and they may even have) and “Fringe” (and they have come to an end or the
end) or some copy cats of these. And that is of course in the line of vampires
who could turn into bats or werewolves who could turn into wolves precisely.

The third element is that this
play is un-understandable if you do not know the whole saga. First there are
many allusions to event of the previous volumes, the old volumes, and you have
an obligation to remember, a duty of memory. But what’s more, the author uses a
time-turner to make us go back to old events that are revived that way. You better know what she is speaking of and
in some scenes, the very same way as in Back to the Future you may have two, or
why not three though the author avoids that potential possibility, different
identities and ages of the same characters. And what’s more modern identities are crossed with and by
contradictory feelings towards the other characters, feelings coming from the
past, like how the Potter side reacts to that poor Draco Malfoy. You better
review and revise your summaries.

The next remark has to do with
some political science fiction resulting from travelling in time and changing
history, the famous butterfly effect. We are thus able to visit what the modern
world would be if the dark forces were to win, if Voldemort were able to win,
like Trump, le Pen or Brexit. If they do, the only solution is to push them
around, filibuster them if we can and neutralize them if possible. Can you
control a tempest coming from all the frustrations of people in front of the
establishment: frustrated in their minds by gross lies and promises that were
not held; frustrated in their feelings by the insecurity they feel in front of
the changing world they do not understand; and frustrated in their deeper
impulses and desires by a world in which genders are multiplied from two to
more than a dozen and in which gender orientation is a multiple choice
challenge with more than one answer to every stage: the gay feel besieged and
become aggressive; the straight feel menaced and become uncertain; and all
other colors and options feel queer, bizarre, strange and kind of
disoriented. And Pride is by far not
enough to make the world change smoothly.

But political science fiction
comes basically, I think, from deranged and corrugated minds: Albus and
Scorpius are out of their minds when they want to change the past. No one can remake history, not even by
remembering it which is anyway a reconstruction to make it palatable,
digestible and if possible haunting. But it is funny to find out the best
intentions in the mental world of two teenagers may lead to the worst
nightmares in the life of everybody, the same way as Brexit leads to a chasm of
chaos to the point of pushing it back two years and then now three years and in
a month or two to four years and after some rounds of negotiations it will be
recognized as the perfectly good bad idea. Imagine Voldemort and his Death
Eaters and all his dung beetles ready to do the worst crimes for a pellet of
cow pie.

The fifth element is that the
story is funny and very sentimental if not sentimentalese. That will be the
last remark of that type I will make. And this remark leads to the main content
of the book as I see it.
The central question is the conflict
between the deficient father Harry Potter and his second son? The author does
not insist or harp on the first son, a certain James Potter Jr., and thus does
not really capture the problem of the younger son. Being a younger son is a
real – I mean R.E.A.L., real – curse in itself. Think of Abel when God decided
not to favor the first born Cain. At the end there is an allusion to that James
Jr. seen as at peace with the father of the two sons, Harry Potter, by Albus
Potter, and Harry Potter’s response is then that in fact there is no real
relation between him and his elder son. But at the end, that’s too late and it
requires a lot more exploration.

But the author, with her two male
sidekicks, is a woman, probably a mother and she probably believes she knows
what it is to be a parent, forgetting that being a mother has little to do with
being a father and she has no direct experience of this father status and men
generally cannot really speak of it because they are like afraid of being
misunderstood when they start telling you they love their sons, they want to
hug them and cuddle them as long as they can and they have to break that
desired relation, both mental and physical, by far too early for them, but most
of the time too late for the son: in other words they do not know how to shift
from the relation of a loving father who expresses his love with physical and
mental closeness to the relation of a loving father who expresses his love with
concern, support, encouragement to get out in the world and sow their wild
mental and physical oats in all social fields. And sure enough Albus Potter and
Harry Potter are both incompetent and how they come to some kind of
understanding is superficial and purely verbose.
She misses many things and
particularly that whether there is a conflict or not, the son will end up
either doing some of the things the father did, or not doing some of the things
the father did, or doing some of the things the father did not do, or not doing
some of the things the father did not do. And most of the time some of each of
the four options. That is called transference, positive or negative
transference of positive or negative elements. It works both ways from the
father who tries to transfer things onto the son, and from the son who tries to
be free to choose what he accepts and what he refuses.

The author even goes further and
brings together two sons of two fathers, the two sons living a conflict with
their respective fathers and the two fathers inheriting an old conflict between
them they try to project (transference again) onto their respective sons. She
very wisely makes the two boys best friends at first sight. She systematically
calls that friendship and calls them friends, but they are best friends and
that is love, but I guess in her mind love has to do with desire and impulse
and signifies sex, marriage and children. That’s how she deals with Ron and
Hermione for example. The girl is a potential mother with all it means. For
Albus and Scorpius there cannot be any kind of turning the other into a mother.
More about that in a moment. To end up on the transference from Harry to Albus
it is simple. Harry declares his fright in front of pigeons, and Albus declares
at once they are innocent – go tell that to the guardians of the cathedral in
Wells who have invested on falcons to purge the site of its pigeons, or to the
managers of airports who also use falcons to clear up the zone of the airport
of its pigeons – and as a negative transference he will be a pigeon race
manager. That kind of final solution of the conflict is rather trite, and
Scorpius does not deserve the same treatment since we do not know his ending,
showing that the relation between the two boys is insignificant for the author
and she tries to cast it into a block of heterosexual concrete.
We have to understand their
dialogue in 2016 when the relations between males, two males or several males,
or actually between females too, two females or more, are just the crucial
social question of the moment after for example the decision of the US Supreme
Court on the subject. I will only take some examples from the end of the book,
but it is present all along.
Page 265 Scorpius says: “So we
hide in a hole?” Albus answers: “As pleasurable as it will be to hide in a hole
with you for the next forty years . . .” Then Scorpius retorts: “If I had to
choose a companion to be at the return of eternal darkness with, I’d choose
you.” In the situation they are in, either this is serious and then the words
have a clear meaning: it is a declaration of love on both sides, or it is humor
but due to the situation it is really very dark if not black humor. Let’s say,
serious or humorous it is nevertheless homoerotic.
Page 300-301 Scorpius says: “I
asked out Rose Granger-Weasley.” Albus responds: “And she said no.” Scorpius
retorts: “But I asked her. I planted the acorn. The acorn that will grow into
our eventual marriage.” That is erotic indeed and, on the side of a dating
failure, it is rather male-dominant, maybe even slightly phallocratic. But
later on Albus says: “I honestly thought I’d be the first of us to get a
girlfriend.” And Scorpius responds: “Oh, you will, undoubtedly, probably that
new smoky-eyed Potions professor – she’s old enough for you, right?” Albus
reacts: “I don’t have a thing about older women!” And Scorpius can add: “And
you’ve got time – a lot of time – to seduce her. Because Rose is going to take
years to persuade.” Albus can have the last word: “I admire your confidence.”
In this passage they set their orientation as being heterosexual, though
Scorpius is rejected – but is he really – by his first “date” who says no of
course, and Albus does not seem to be in a rush to get one. In other the two
boys have closet undetermined sexual orientation and follow in public some kind
of heterosexual game that does not seem to be urgent or really serious. The
author is exploiting neither side of the coin that has to do with gender

I can assure you at 14 they are
obsessed by it. And they are indeed.
Page 302 we have this little
“Scorpius reaches in and hugs Albus.
Albus: What’s this? I thought we
decided we don’t hug.
Scorpius: I wasn’t sure. Whether
we should. In this new version of us – I had in my head.”
It is obvious the heterosexual
version of the two boys is the “new version” of them. Then the old version, or
the previous version was rather gay, and now they still hug and the play makes
it longer than a casual hug between two brothers or cousins. At least Scorpius
wants it and takes the initiative, and Albus does not refuse it and takes part
in it, accepts it. Is that going to be an orientation, or a gender? We
definitely need to get more on those two pubescent teenagers.
After saying all that let me
conclude. This play will both exhilarate AND
frustrate you. But that’s too bad. Let’s hope we SOON get a DVD capture of the stage production.
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:19 AM
Monday, August 22, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau & Timothy Olyphant at (45)
The whole question I am concerned about is whether a
TV series, any TV series can be analyzed only at the purely technical, filming,
shooting and editing, level or if it can be dealt with as a work of fiction
that has to be considered like any work of fiction, as seriously as we would
consider Shakespeare or Walt Whitman.
I am not satisfied with all such technical approaches that only speak of
ellipses and flash backs and flash forwards and the angle of the take or the
camera, the zooming details and movements.
I am not satisfied with those who consider a TV series, since it has to be
popular, as having to be banal, hollow, void, meaningless and not being able to
be analyzed the way any other work of fiction would and should be analyzed.
I deeply agree with the practice of Great Britain where an actor can –
and must or at least is recommended to – have a parallel career on the stage,
for TV and for the cinema. I regret the USA do not have that practice. We
know the result when we compare British series and American series.
What’s more I don’t see why so many directors – and critics – consider film
directors cannot direct a TV series, and they generally concede Twin Peaks as being an exception of a rather marginal man
in the world of television. That’s grotesque.
I watched all these seasons in one go, two episodes per night and I summarized
some general ideas only at the end. It is thus a living experience of this
series and I think that’s how TV has to be taken, as a living experience. It is
not because Dexter was killed – was he really killed – in his TV series that
the author Jeff Lindsay does not have the right to keep him alive and to go on
with his adventures. And we had already been used with such discrepancies
between the TV series and the novel series.
Yet a series has a problem with its end. It has to come to an end in some kind
of flourish, fireworks, fanfare, brilliant twist. Prison Breaks is one of the
best as for that, and yet two years later they are speaking of bringing it back
to the screen. How are they going to revive the main character? The actor is
available but the character was buried.
Sir Conan Doyle has already done that with his Sherlock Holmes that he killed
at least once and nearly killed several times to just bring him back to life to
satisfy public demand. That was literature you are going to say, and then what!
Maybe TV series are also fiction.
Let me tell you here that I find it funny when some pretend to deal with
history in fictional series and to have a good historian as a guarantee that
all they say in the series is pure history, like Un Village Français by
Frédéric Krivine and the retired university professor Jean-Pierre Azéma who
found a juicy supplement to his retirement instead of teaching a few years more
(65 is the sacred age at which all researchers have to retire in France, even
in medicine, so that some just move to the USA to go on with their scientific
work). Sorry to deceive you Mr Krivine, either you are an author and you
respect the rules of fiction, and you work for television and you respect the
rules of TV series and that goes against anything having to do with historical
truth, especially since there is no truth, there are only points of view and
Jean-Pierre Azéma is just one point-of-viewer among many others; or you are a
historian and then you should be teaching your point og view about history to
some university students. We are not watching your series to have any
historical truth, sorry point of view, hammered into our thick skulls.
Luckily, otherwise they would reinvent the Bible.

# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 12:40 PM
Mobile addiction, mobile dependence, mobile liberation
Kevin Talbot, ed. - STRICTLY M O B I L E, How
the Largest Man-Made Platform in History Is Changing Our World – COPY R I G H T © 2 0 1 6 K E V I N
This book is a collection of twelve studies (the authors
apart from Kevin Talbot are Gary Clayton, John Couch, Jennifer Haroon, Aditya
Khurjekar, Manish Kothari, Ezra Kucharz, Bill Mark, Bertrand Nepveu, Bob
Richards, Paola Santana, Eric Topol,) on
twelve important developments in the field of mobile technology written by
twelve people who all play a key role in the fields they each cover. The style
is simple and there is no over technical or scientific terms and language. It
is written for the wide public, a public that is educated in computing but not
more than necessary to do just a little bit more than surviving in this
connected world.

A fundamental idea is given right from the start: mobile
technology is transforming the world because of four factors: 1- world wide
Internet usage, 2- global smart phone adoption, 3- the Internet of Things, and 4-
the millennial generation who are mobile natives, in other words they were
connected to a mobile phone from their very birth onward and maybe during the
pregnancy of their mothers. We are becoming unable to survive in our society
without a smart phone or at least a cell phone.

The question of Artificial Intelligence is crucial. Five
domains of research and progress can be listed: 1- visual perception, 2- natural
language understanding, 3- planning, 4- machine learning and 5- knowledge
representation. When the five subfields of AI are put together we have
robotics. Yet we need to cope with the field of emotions and understanding and
interacting with people, and even so it
is not enough and the system has to become autonomous and thus has to be able
to cope with moral dilemmas That will have to be programmed in the machine. And
yet that will not be human because a person does not react the way he/she is
programmed but from what he/she has integrated through his/her specific
experience in life from even before birth, and according to many circumstantial
elements that a machine cannot even know about, let alone have programmed in
its software: things like the mood of the person, the light around him/her, the
weather, the heat and air conditioning, the general atmosphere around him/her,
etc. A machine can learn but a machine will never learn like a human being who
started hearing in the 24th week of his/her mother’s pregnancy. To
paraphrase Shakespeare: “a machine does not bleed when you prick it, etc…” This
author goes as far as saying that “a person reacts on instinct.” This is not
human but animal. Humans have spent years and years to learn things that are
not instincts but integrated knowledge. All houses have roofs not because it is
the human instinct that dictates it but because the house and its roof are
there to protect man against the weather. They are the extension n of our skin
and clothing as Marshall McLuhan would say. That is not instinct, nothing to do
with bees and their beehives, and animals do not wear clothing.

When dealing with medicine, it is quite clear that mobile
technology will be essential, if it is not already, particularly connected
health machines and wearable machines connected to services and people who can
follow the patient and help if there is a problem or if an adjustment in the
treatment is necessary. Yes big hospital are doomed and the main resistance
will come from doctors (who will lose a lot of privileged positions) and
regulatory bodies who will try to impose costly traditions because they are
traditions, in spite of the risk assessment policy of WHO. Some of the new
“micro-or-nano-machines” envisaged here are interesting though they all run into
one problem. The following are suggested: digestable sensors (a chip in a
digestable pill); sensors embeddable in the blood stream; and biodegradable
chips directed glued on the skin. The real question is what will these
connected devices be connected to and who will have access to this central
processing unit (the new connected CPU à la 1984). This question is not even

As for education, the digital natives all men can be, and
some are such from nearly-birth, are already confronted and will be a lot more
soon to mobile technology within the learning process but the author does not
seem to be aware of some learning styles and strategies when he only lists “visual,
kinetic and combination of different modes.” If it were that simple! Most
people are visual dominant but not limited to the visual competence and some
are not visual dominant but audio dominant. The kinetic element has to be
widened to the tactile, gustative and touch elements, what makes a human
experience uniquely human and any human experience uniquely personal. This has
to do with a myriad of psychological en experiential elements that are
absolutely unique for each learner. Standard school systems have tried to treat
all students alike – in the name of equality – and that was a mistake but here
that mistake is not corrected. MOOC are nothing but standard classes or
lectures, at times visually enhanced (and we do not need to produce a MOOC to
use visual elements in class, broadcast on the Internet.. The medium is
different, the product is the same.

We have to shift from “KNOWLEDGE – TRANSMITTED TO –
LEARNER” to a completely different procedure or algorithm like
OWN MEANS.” And we have to add this supplementary element that all the
knowledge found by the learner has to be contradictory, to contain opposed
points of view. And even so learners need, require and demand a regular human
contact either by telephone, or by Skype or one-on-one for discussions,
confrontations, suggestions, incitation to go beyond. Knowledge is a construct
and we have to get out of the prefabricated standard scholastic knowledge to
get to a constructive and constructing learner who owes all his knowledge to
his own efforts and searches and even to the struggle to have the necessary
confrontation sessions with other learners and with specialists of what he is
looking for and with teachers who are not giving knowledge any more but only
indicating a road that might be more productive or interesting in that
constructive construction.

When the chapter comes to assessment it is a plain
futuristic illusion. Of course we have to use machines for the assessment that
has to be digital, interactive, tailored to the needs of the student and
integrating feedback in real time. But that is good only for factual knowledge,
Multiple Choice Questionnaire. But that cannot be the case of an essay that is
constructive, creative and contradictory. How can a machine measure the
originality of the architecture of such an essay and the brilliance of its
style? Maybe one day when humans are robots and machines humans. The machines
though can easily point out plagiarism and other evils of essay writing,
including the use of essay-writing software. That’s why such essays should be
contradictory presentations of three or four students in the shape of systematic
debates with an assessing jury that could be composed of both teachers and
learners. And that can or even has to start as soon as possible after birth, or
at least after the child can speak, which is around three years old.

I have little to say about self-driving cars that will be
very useful for blind people, elderly people, people who cannot drive and
people who use chauffeurs all the time, uberized or not. But once again these
cars will be connected and some central unit will build their “experience.” Who
will be behind this central processing unit and what kind of security must we
think of? It will be very useful to the police and other security agencies,
private or public.
Manipulation is banal with modern robots and even better
with tomorrow’s robots. Sensors have become versatile and they will be useful
provided they bring “delight” to the users and they respect or enhance the
users’ sense of dignity (people who cannot do something accept to do it with
the help of a machine they control better than with the help of another human
they do not control).
Autonomous transportation of merchandise with drones is
purely commercial – or military – but it is so far limited by the weight drones
can carry and the distance they can fly autonomously. We are far from personal
drones for individuals, and frankly if that happens one day and everyone goes
to the baker’s, to the post office and all other convenience stores or services
by drone it might be hectic at certain times in the day and no more walking at
all: good morning obesity and heart diseases.

The lunar frontier is being privatized. Good if you want
but the project is greedy: only exploit resources on the moon that do not exist
on the earth or are rare or difficult to reach. But the main question that is
not even considered is that of the occupation of the soil and the property of
the resources extracted from that soil. What would be the criteria for anyone
having the right to do this or that here or there: first arrival, military
means, buying a section of the moon (from whom?), the size of each claim, etc?
Are we going to transform the moon into some western territory in cosmic
dimension? Is the invasion of a territory and claiming that it is mine
acceptable for me or any other person? And what do we do with previous
occupants, if any? Exterminate them like American Indians and First Nations?

The front lines are numerous and those considered here are
only a few. The hardware is not really a problem today, and certainly not
tomorrow. The software is not discussed really and that is bothering because
each producer has his own software and they are not compatible. Are we going to
go on reproducing the absence of open standards that can enable all users to
access all resources without having to buy a special machine and a special
software for each one of them? But what is more important is the content, and
“content is king,” that is going to circulate on these mobile highways. Sure
enough perishable content and commoditized content are not interesting. Content
has to be unique and durable or perennial and of sufficient quality to stand
out if it pretends to be professional or creative. That is to say it has to be
sustainable: it must produce its own audience (due to the quality of its
content); it must produce the means to go on with its own work and broadcasting
(that means money: advertising or premium subscriptions, etc); and what is even
more important it must produce the desire for more in the audience targeted and
reached. The sustainability of sports events cannot be the same as the
sustainability of opera because the audiences are not the same but both
contents have to be sustainable with their audience if they want to simply
survive and go on existing. That question is not considered in enough depth in
the chapter concerned.

Mobile payments is fictitious up to the moment when the
author of the chapter finally suggests an identification of the user of the
mobile phone that is absolutely sure like his/her fingerprint, since smart
phones have tactile screens, but the author only suggests this at the end after
several pages comparing the security of credit cards and smart phones to the
advantage of the latter, though the identification of the user is a number
(card or phone) and a pin code with or without then some kind of back control
to the user who has to get a special code on the telephone (but the person
behind the telephone is not necessarily the real owner). Then the author
suggests “blockchain” as a security measure but for the banks and the merchants,
not for the customer. All these securities are based on automated procedures
and apparently the only security for the customer is to tie the smart phone to
his left or right hand with an un-pickable handcuff and a chain in non-cuttable

Virtual Reality is a gadget to make ourselves believe we
are in a real conference whereas it is only a video conference, in a real
class, whereas it is only a MOOC, or in a real business meeting whereas it is
only some Skype multi-connection. Maybe simply make you believe you are on Fifth Avenue though
you have never been in New York:
a VR satellite image by Google, in a way. We are far from anything there,
except if we are speaking of games and entertainment: a VR-DVD for an opera at
the MET, why not?

As for Love, the subject has been dealt with by so many
filmmakers that it is funny to oppose artificial intelligence to companionship.
We all have difficulty being understood everyday by people who know us, at
times quite well, because out words and intonations are our own and other
people do not acknowledge them. Imagine a robot then who will have to become an
image of the user to understand and use the same words and intonations with the
same meaning, and also the same functional constructions, etc. But then where
will companionship be if the robot is an image of the user? Narcissistic
companionship. And ethical dilemma and choices, strategic questions and life or
death decisions cannot be considered within a narcissistic relation, but within
a contradictive situation. But the contradiction I expect if we are discussing
abortion is not at all the same as if we were discussing the wall along the
border or Mexico
or Brexit. Will that robot be able to be as many advisors as I need according
to my needs at this or that time? A robot-orchestra for sure. But that is not
feasible. If we speak of companion for a cancer patient in terminal phase, that
sounds easier, but a companion who can be a personal assistant, a friend and
confidant, and a small-talk companion to an advanced researcher in several
fields of competence like ancient languages, anthropology, modern literature
and baroque, classical or modern music, it might be slightly more complicated.

Just delve into the book and keep your imagination wide
open because too often technical people seem to lose their creative imagination
that would tell them they are just forgetting the fundamental fact that nothing
black is black all the time and everywhere. And there are so many shades of
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:17 AM
Friday, August 19, 2016
Choice maybe, but change impossible
THOMAS HOBBES – LEVIATHAN OR THE MATTER, FORME, & POWER OF A COMMON-WEALTH ECCLESIASTICAL AND CIVILL - Printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1651.
I will only consider some chapters in this approach. The a
priori position is that God is the origin of everything, that the Bible is
absolutely true about the history of humanity and its “creation” and that the
best order is that dictated by God’s law and order in which man is only free in
the subjects and situations that have not been ruled out or regulated by God
himself. This represents the situation in England in 1651 under the absolute
rule of the Puritans led by Oliver Cromwell and named the Commonwealth. But the
value for modern human beings can only come if we get the ideas he espouses out
of this religious axiom that is like a pillory to his thinking.

The introduction takes us directly into the subject. The
general idea he states is that man is the central element of his thinking and
this man is positioned in nature. We will have to clarify what he means by
nature later on. The idea here is that man as an organism, as an architectural
construction is the basis of any other construction that develops from man,
that is developed by man. He thus identifies what he calls Leviathan, or the
common-wealth or state, as being built on the model of our body and the concept
of “sovereignty” is stated to be an “artificial soul.” This metaphor, because
it is a metaphor, is even densified by comparing this Leviathan created by man
to a simple machine or watch or clock, hence a complex mechanism created by man
too. When we bring in the concept of God as the creator of man to his own image
we feel a contradiction. Man creates Leviathan or a watch to his own image, not
God’s, though this man who is the model of the creations we are speaking of is
the image of God, hence Leviathan should be the image of the image of God. Yet
Hobbes divides his discourse between nature that governs or should govern us in
daily life, man and his civil dimension that organizes the common-wealth for
peace and prosperity, and God and the religious principles that govern the
ultimate human society and morality. We have the impression God is something
added to the previous two levels of nature and man and that it is a sort of
wrapping up that reminds us of the
creative dimension of this God and of the superior ethical dimension of
this God. But the whole discourse has to do with the reality of nature and the
civil society organized in some common-wealth and state. In fact, we could
consider this approach as very modern if we just set aside the divine
supplement and we see that man is extending his own body and his own
capabilities into everything he does or creates. In fact we have here the basic
concept of the “extensions of man” developed by Marshall McLuhan.

I will then consider chapter 4 that deals with Speech. His
starting point is that printing is not such a tremendous invention. He totally
neglects the tremendous impact it had on education and all levels of social
life, religion, politics, culture, and many others. This is surprising since
his book is such an intervention in the field of politics and ethics that is
bound to have an impact due to the number of copies that are going to be
circulated. But instead of seeing what was caused by the printing press, he
goes back in time (a typical and unscientific retrospective method) and
considers that the invention of writing was a lot more important than printing.
He traces alphabetical writing back to the Phoenicians, which is not false
indeed, though that was not the invention of writing per se since there were
non alphabetical writing systems before this one. This Phoenician invention
reached us through the Greek alphabet. He has a good point there because Homo Sapiens
started emerging 300,000 years ago and writing was only invented something like
a little bit more than 5,000 years ago. He is right when he speaks of isolating
the sounds of speech to represent them with letters that become some kind of
conceptual written forms of the isolated sounds. We are here at the root of
modern phonemics and phonetics.

He is more surprising by the fact that he still goes back to
speech, oral speech. He sticks to the idea of the speech incentive and energy
being given to Adam by God though God gave Adam the mission of naming
everything, and he considers this speech invention as “the most noble and
profitable invention.” In spite of his referring to the Babel Tower
myth, he clearly states here speech is an invention of man himself using his
“tongue, Palat, lips, and other organs of speech” to produce it, though God is
the real “author of speech.” The objective is to “register thoughts.” We can
see he is modern in a way since he connects speech to the body though he
ignores the larynx and other elements in the body that were developed not for
speech but for bipedal long distance fast running. What is important is that he
sees the organs he names as the organs of speech implying they were developed
to produce speech, which is not the case at all. At the same time speech is
used by man to register thoughts for sure but were do these thoughts come from?
And by what process are words and sentences with syntactic and paradigmatic architectures
produced? It is quite obvious that his reference to God and the Babel Tower
myth is nothing but a necessary reference in his society and the fact that God
is the author of speech while man is the inventor of it shows we can just get
God out and say that the necessity to have a common-wealth to permit the
survival of the species requires some kind of communication and man being what
he is he uses his physiological resources to produce and invent language,
speech if you want. The “author” is the necessary social dimension of man’s
life and survival when emerging several hundred thousand years ago. That’s what
he could call a “Law of Nature” as we are going to see. God is only a name
glued to it and I wonder if it was only opportunistic or really believed.

He is very modern on the uses of language: to register past
or present thoughts, findings and the acquisition of arts (old meaning of
crafts and artistic productions); to communicate knowledge to others; to give
orders and instructions; for pleasure. His conception of speech is centered on
“names”, both “proper” or “common universal.” And he reduces what we are
(“wise” or “foolish”) to the meaning of the words we use, neglecting the fact
that the mind (what we are, wise or foolish) is just like language, it is
developed from experience, through experience and by the invention and use of
language which develops in the same way through that process.

For him names can designate things, material or sensible and
rational, hot or cold, moving or quiet. Then they can indicate the accidents or
qualities we perceive in things, both concrete or abstract. And this is done
through the properties of our own body. The eyes gives sight that perceives
color that becomes our idea or fancy of it in the considered thing. The ears
give hearing that perceives sound that becomes our idea, fancy or conception of
it, from noise to music. His approach is very interpretative and not genetic.
The final use of names, hence of speech, is to be the meta-language describing
language itself. As he says names can be “general, universal, special or
equivocal” and speeches can be “an affirmation, an interrogation, a
commandment; a narration; a syllogism, a sermon, an oration and many others.”
Here “speech” means either an utterance (sentence) or a discourse that can be
one or several sentences. He even concludes that names are “inconstant” because
they reflect the moods and states of mind of the speaker. All that is modern,
refuses a frozen and congealed language but once again it is connected to
circumstantial use, though there is no dialectic that would state the mind and
language develop together one with the other, one development in the mind
causing one development in language and vice versa. The approach then is very
utilitarian: what we can use language for. That’s why he consider abuses of
language which is one particular type of use and nothing else since the basic
abuses of language are to say something that is a lie, hence not true, or to
aggress and insult people.

If we turn to chapters 14 and 15 we come to the “Laws of
Nature” that are in fact the central piece of this book. Let me list them with
some comment. First he defines the “right of nature” which is the fact that an
individual has the right to do anything he needs to do in order to defend his
life. This is the survival instinct but exclusively at the level of the
individual. This is important because he does not see the fact that the species
per se has a survival instinct and that human beings cannot survive as a
species if they do not organize their life collectively. In other words he
misses the concept of survival instinct.
Then he has to define his concept of “liberty” and it is for him “the
absence of external impediments” which is a purely negative definition and he
is going to show that such impediments are natural, implying there is no
liberty, a conclusion he would absolutely refuse. He has to define the concept of
“law” that he opposes to that of “right.” A law gives an obligation for him,
whereas a right is a liberty for him. It sounds weird since a right is also
established by society and its laws and regulations. He misses history that
imposes onto people some limitations and opens to people some possible actions,
hence some duties (have to do or have not to do) and some rights (can or may
do). But this being said he can consider the laws of nature which are what the
consideration of nature implies as for the organization of man’s life.

1- The first law of nature is that
every man needs peace or otherwise it is a constant state of war for their
individual survival (one against all).
2- The second law of nature is the
reciprocal limitation of “the right to all things” to ensure peace. This is
what he calls a covenant with the religious reference behind though these
covenants are purely human and in no way divine. It is the simple observation
that human beings ALWAYS live in groups of various types and even the individuals
who live absolutely alone do so in reference to the groups they move out of and
away from.
3- The third law of nature is that men
have to perform their covenants. He comes then to a simple definition of “just”
(what respects covenants) and “unjust” (what goes against covenants). Justice
is then the keeping of covenants, hence and therefore the rule of reason. He
states though there must be a coercive power to compel men equally to perform
covenants. That is where the concept of common-wealth appears.
4- The fourth law of nature is gratitude.
5- The fifth law of nature is natural
accommodation or complaisance.
6- The sixth law of nature is the
facility to pardon.
7- The seventh law of nature is that in
revenges man must respect only the future good.
8- The eighth law of nature is against men’s
contumely contempt to one another.
9- The ninth law of nature is against
10- The tenth law of nature is against
11- The eleventh law of nature is equity,
to proceed equally when dealing with various men.
12- The twelfth law of nature is the
equal use by all of things that are common to all.
13- The thirteenth law of nature is “lot,”
i.e. the priority of anything to first possession or possessor.
14- The fourteenth law of nature is
Primogeniture and first seizing.
15- The fifteenth law of nature is about
16- The sixteenth law of nature is about
one’s submission to arbitrament and arbitrators.
17- The seventeenth law of nature is the
fact that no man can be his own judge
18- The eighteenth law of nature is No
man can be a judge who has in himself a cause of partiality.
19- The nineteenth law of nature is
about witnesses who are supposed to be as numerous as possible.
Hobbes adds a twentieth law of nature in his concluding
20- The twentieth law of nature is "that every man is
bound by Nature, as much as in him lieth, to protect in Warre, the Authority,
by which he is himself protected in time of Peace."
It is strange because it states clearly that the existing
authority cannot be changed and that everyone is supposed to defend it if it is
attacked. This is in full contradiction with the Puritan revolution that
attacked the Authority of the King, though they will object that they
represented the authority of Parliament that was under attack from the King,
but then the Civil war was necessary since the supporters of each authority had
the natural obligation to fight for it. What’s more it implies that the Puritan
Common-wealth cannot be changed and that all people will have to fight if an
attempt is done to change it. Historically this principle is de facto
unacceptable. The restoration took place and later the Glorious Revolution took
place and the Jacobites were declared illegal and traitors.

We have to point out these laws of nature are based on
individualistic considerations. They are laws of nature governing every
individual and the social and political facts are only the consequences of this
first principle. The second remark is that they are deeply anti-historical. If
these laws of nature are the basic covenant of all human commonwealths, if
respecting or implementing the covenant is the only basis for justice and
finally if “the laws of justice are eternal,” meaning the laws that are devised
in application and continuation of the twenty laws of nature, the very essence
of any covenant which is the only basis for justice, then there is no possible
historical change, which is absurd. He even goes further and declares that “the
science of these laws is true moral philosophy.” Such laws are not a science.
They are only his own reasoning, hence at best a theory. True enough we are
dealing with ethics and nothing else but ethics are not and cannot be “true”
because they depend on too many personal choices that have nothing to do with
truth, except that they are true at one particular moment in one particular
situation for one particular person. And even when one of these ethical
elements has been instated as a basic human right, for example the right to
enter a same sex alliance, marriage or not, no one is forced to do it: it is a
basic human right for those who choose to implement it for themselves. In other
words gay marriage is not becoming compulsory for everyone just because it is
considered today as a basic human right. Note in the same way that plain
marriage of any type is not compulsory either though it is a basic human right.

Then his discussion of “liberty” reveals a lot about his own
1- For him liberty is purely
2- For him liberty is defined
negatively: absence of opposition, “not hindered to do what he has a will to
do.” Note here the “he” pronoun is also very meaningful: he does not consider
women, just as he does not consider blacks (who are slaves in the colonies), or
Indians (who are being slaughtered already in the colonies) or even the Irish
who are being ruthlessly colonized) and probably a few more like all Catholics,
Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus.
3- For him it is based on the fear of
the law as the incentive to liberty, since liberty and necessity are consistent
and here comes his basic religious fundamentalism: man has to do what God wants
him to do and man has not to do what God does not want him to do, and beyond
these two obligations (to do and not to do) man can and may do what is not
covered or included.

4- When he is dealing with the “liberty
of subjects” he does not see the contradiction between “liberty” and “subject” (someone
who is subjected to another, who submits to the authority of another), even when
he asserts “the liberty of sovereigns.” The only important liberty he asserts
is the liberty for any man to defend his own body and body’s integrity. This is
the Habeas Corpus principle that will only be passed in Parliament in 1679. For
him the liberty of subjects is in the silence of the law. This asserts the
power of Judicature. This is the premise of what will become with Montesquieu judicial
power. But he does not understand how it works: you are tried in a first level lower
court. You can then appeal to an appeal court. You can finally appeal to some
“supreme court” (House of Lords in England,
Supreme Court in the USA)
and their decision will edict a total ban on one activity, a total freedom to
practice it, or an in-between regulated practice. The best example is abortion
and how the US Supreme Court made history for the fifty states by ruling on an
attempt to reduce the right to abort for women in Texas. (SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,
COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT No. 15–274, Argued March 2, 2016—Decided
June 27, 2016.,
accessed August 19, 2016)
5- He concludes his book with a call
for leniency from the Censors since “there is nothing in this whole Discourse,
as far as I can perceive, contrary either to the Word of God, or to good
Manners; or to the disturbance of the Publique Tranquillity. Therefore I think
it may be profitably printed, and more profitably taught in the Universities.”

This book then is essential to prove the historicity of such
concepts as “liberty,” “common-wealth,” including those I did not consider like
“democracy,” “monarchy,” “aristocracy,” tyranny,” and “oligarchy” in the direct
political field. In England per se we can see that some principles are becoming
established: distance from the purely fundamentalist religious approach, the
idea that any state organization and social organization are the results of
covenants (what J.J. Rousseau will call one century later “social contracts”),
the idea that any covenant is the result of some general historical rules that
govern the survival of the human species, of any human group and of any human
individual, and finally the idea that all human activities are governed by the
ability of man to speak, communicate, imagine and create crafts, arts, and
sciences. We could add religion that probably came as belief in the
supernatural and in a higher level of determinism as soon as Homo Sapiens
developed language that enabled him to start his trip on the road to conceptualization.

We are, within this Puritan Common-wealth, at a real round
about in history. There are several roads emerging in front of us and choices
are both free and determined by the context. It is true we have not reached yet
the declaration that “all men are created equal” (US Declaration of
Independence, 1776) nor the next declaration that “all men are born and remain
free and equal in rights” (Les hommes naissent
et demeurent libres et égaux en droits) (French Revolution, Declaration
of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, 1789). Thomas Hobbes only states here
that all men must be treated with equity. But therefore the treatment of all
men is supposed to be similar, which implies differences are not due to their
inner essences or statuses. We are here on the road leading to the assertion of
the equality of all men, and today we should say of all human beings.
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:04 PM