Sunday, January 31, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau at (19)
Pour étudiants ou enseignants
d’anglais francophones
Cette grammaire de 301 pages et de 153 mille 153
mots (dixit Word) fut commandée par un éditeur pour le public des étudiants
préparant le CAPES ou l’Agrégation, ainsi que les professeurs du secondaire. Chaque
chapitre a une unité presque totale au niveau de ses références et citations.
Toute la grammaire est fondée uniquement sur des exemples tirés d’œuvres
littéraires récentes.
C’est un corpus de citations sur un point ou
un chapitre de grammaire, toutes issues d’un même auteur qui permet d’éviter
l’éclectisme des citations et qui donc permet d’arriver à une vision plus
L’ensemble de cette grammaire a été mis
en ligne sur le site de l’Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, à
disposition gratuite pour les étudiants en 2007 (et doit toujours y être) après
avoir été mis à disposition informatique gratuite des étudiants de l’IUP
Tourisme de l’Université de Perpignan à Mende (Lozère) en 2002-2003.
J’ai mis les cinq parties en ligne sur il y a déjà quelques
années. Je propose ici les cinq liens des cinq parties sur ce site pour
faciliter la navigation.
1ère partie : Le syntagme
2ème partie : Le syntagme
3ème partie : L’énoncé
4ème partie : Les utilitaires
5ème partie : Introduction
aux exercices (tous corrigés)
Je vous prie instamment d’utiliser sans
modération ces 301 pages. Si vous remarquez des erreurs – et je suis sûr qu’il
y en a – veuillez avoir la gentillesse de me les signaler. Je mettrai à jour
Frank, in Mumia, Abu-Jamal, 1995
Alex, T.S., Mind Mine, recueil de
poésies autoédité, San Antonio, Texas, 1999
Bellow, Saul, Ravelstein,
Viking, New York,
2000®, Online
Research Panel, Official Sweepstakes Rules, The Internet, Los Angeles, 2000
Borland, Hal, When the
Legends Die, Bantam, New York,
Bunyan, John, The
Pilgrim’s Progress, Whitaker House,
New York, 1981
Burghardt DuBois, W.E., The
Souls of Black Folks, Fawcette Publications, Greenwich, Connecticut,
Chapman, Robert L., PhD, American
Slang, Harper and Row, New York,
Conrad, Earl, The
Premier, Lancer Books, New York,
Dickens, Charles, The
Mystery of Edwin Drood, OUP, Oxford,
Drapeau, Louis L., The
Future of Risk Management : Are You Reading the Signs of the Times ?,
The Internet, 2000
Ellis, Bret Easton, American
Psycho, Picador, Londres, 1991
Ellison, Ralph, Juneteenth,
Vintage International, New York,
Garland, Alex, The Beach,
Penguin Books, Londres, 1996
Goddard, Robert, Set in
Stone, Bantam, Londres, 1999
Harris, Robert, Archangel,
Jove Books, New York,
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet
Letter, Washington Square
Press, New York,
Hodge, John, The Beach A
Screenplay, Faber & Faber, London,
Huebner, Andrew, American
by Blood, Anchor, Londres, 2000
Hull, Raymond, « Introduction », in Peter, Dr
Laurence J., 1970
Joyce, James, Ulysses, Penguin,
Londres, 1975
Marlowe, Christopher, Doctor
Faustus, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1993
Mumia, Abu-Jamal, Live
from Death Row, Avon Books, New
York, 1995
Murdoch, Iris, Bruno’s
Dream, Dell Publishing Company, New
York, 1970
Murdoch, Iris, The Green
Knight, Chatto and Windus, Londres, 1993
Peter, Dr Laurence J., The
Peter Principle, Bantam, New York,
Reed, Ishmael, The
Free-Lance Pallbearers, Bantam, New
York, 1967
Rice, Anne, The Queen of
the Damned, Futura, Londres, 1990
Seeger, Pete, American
Favorite Ballads, Oak Publications, New
York, 1961
Shakespeare, William, Antony and
Cleopatra, Spring Books, Londres, 1965
Skeat, Walter W., Concise
Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 1965
Taylor, Richard J.,
« The Art of Digital Techniques in the Broadcast Studio », SMPTE, Scarsdale, New
York, 1982
Townsend, Sue, The Diary
of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾, Methuen,
Londres, 1982
Tropper, Jonathan, Plan
B, St Martin’s Press, New York,
Walker, Margaret, Jubilee,
Bantam, New York,
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:24 PM
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau et al at KR-Homestudio (18)
Synchrosome II-Ilya and Vanya
Thorez, compositeur et interprète
Coulardeau, auteur et interprète
A small article essentially centered on the technical side
of things, the machines used to produce the CDs. Do not expect anything like a
real critique, or review, or even artistic presentation of the music itself.
But that is always funny to have your name page 16 of a national magazine you
will not be able to read online, only on paper, issue n° 304, February-March
Notre musique vise au dépaysement sonore,
à la recherche d’un univers où instruments, langue et chant se conjuguent en un
tout surprenant et même parfois bouleversant.. . .
thèmes sont d’autant plus développés qu’un récit ou dialogue entre Ilya et
Vanya prend corps liant les chansons et révélant deux êtres se torturant par et
pour leur propre amour dans l’album Synchrosome II, Ilya and Vanya.
visuels sont des peintures de ma cousine, Caroline Guille, tableaux visibles
pour certains, sur son site : .
This story has to be dedicated to time and life. It is the result of
meeting many people in the avenues of big Paris,
gay as is well-known, and gay it is, indeed.
The songs were written to the music Kévin Thorez had previously composed.
All the songs are from 2011-2012.
The dramatic story of Ilya and Vanya was written in 2013, integrating the
lyrics of the songs as part of the story. It is a full homage to a young man
who does not like his name to be quoted or uttered. Anonymous he will stay,
just the way he likes it, and he likes many things, and people. MP3 STORE
1:19:14 – Langue : anglais/English – Indie & Alternative –
Explicit Lyrics - ASIN: B00J0B57BC - EUR 9,99 TTC
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 12:19 PM
Friday, January 29, 2016
Presque parfait mais sexuellement un peu douteux
Il s’agit d’une comédie un peu molle mais plutôt surprenante en fonction de
l’angle de vue, de la visée du spectateur. Si vous voulez de l’action, un
rythme fort ? de comédie certes mais fort quand même, vous vous êtes
trompé d’adresse.
Le personnage principal qui est le sujet même du film et donc de la comédie
n’est pas à proprement parler comique. Il est même plutôt du bois dont on
pourrait faire des portes de prison. Il est hautement dépressif après une
séparation résultant de son incapacité à écouter l’autre et à se mettre au
niveau de l’autre. Il ne parle que de lui et il ne juge rien autrement que par
lui et en fonction de lui, non pas de ses intérêts, car il semble avoir très
peu d’intérêt pour ses intérêts, mais en fonction de ce que lui penserait ou
comment lui réagirait s’il était dans la situation concernée.

Il vit ainsi une psychose grave qui s’alimente du manque de communication
avec d’autres, du rejet même de la communication quand elle se présente car
cela limiterait son auto-expression et en conséquence du rejet par les autres
du fait de cette absence de communication. C’est un cercle vicieux dont on ne
peut pas sortir. Dommage. Point d’orgue et point final. Premier point de vue
que l’auteur du film lentement repousse.
Le mérite du film est d’essayer de faire remonter le personnage dans son
passé pour voir où les choses ont bloqué. Pour ce faire il a besoin d’interlocuteurs,
au moins d’un, et il va prendre son GPS qu’il appelle Emmanuelle comme
interlocutrice, et elle va d’autant mieux jouer le jeu que tout se passe
dans la tête de ce pauvre Monsieur Sim. Et Emmanuelle va faire sortir le tigre
de sa cage.
Pour ce faire Monsieur Sim guidé par son GPS a besoin de quelques outils et
ce sont trois choses.
D’abord une nouvelle qu’il extorque à son ex-épouse en entretenant avec
elle une relation internet par un chat quelconque et en se faisant passer pour
une femme mariée. Enfin bref la persona parfaite. L’ex-épouse mord à l’hameçon
et de confidence en confidence elle lui envoie la nouvelle qu’elle vient d’écrire
et qui concerne un événement récent qui l’a amenée à rompre avec son mari, qui
ne l’oublions pas est derrière la persona qu’il assume sur ce chat. Ce texte
sera révélateur. La fosse aux lions du prophète Daniel.

Puis il rencontre l’oncle d’une connaissance qu’il s’est faite dans un
aéroport et sur un avion. Cette jeune femme l’invite à un repas de famille pour
qu’il devienne l’interlocuteur personnel, privée, intime de sa propre mère qu’on
comprend veuve (bien qu’elle ne l’ait pas prévenue par avance), mais c’est en
fait avec l’oncle de cette connaissance qu’il va établir un lien et celui-ci
lui donnera un livre sur un navigateur solitaire anglais qui va le bouleverser
dans les jours qui suivront et qui surtout va l’amener à regarder un autre cas
de solitude et d’engagement non tenu parce que non tenable. Il refuse l’hypothèse
du suicide car se projetant en lui il refuse d’envisager sa propre mort par
transfert de celle de ce navigateur solitaire. Les transferts de Freud, ici un
cas impossible. Bien vu donc, Monsieur l’auteur du film.
Enfin il récupère à Roanne un manuscrit de son père qu’il lit bien sûr. C’est
un manuscrit autobiographique qui révèle les circonstances dans lesquelles il a
été, lui Monsieur Sim, conçu. Pur accident conséquent à un déboire sentimental
gay qu’il n’est pas capable à l’époque d’assumer d’abord et qu’il manque par la
plus simple négligence, très peu de temps après.
C’est là que le film devient un peu douteux. Avec les souvenirs de Monsieur
Sim adolescent, avec un rendez-vous à Saint Etienne qui tourne mal avec son
grand amour d’adolescent qu’il n’a jamais réussi à réaliser, l’auteur du film
nous oriente vers une espèce de transmission de l’homosexualité du père sur le
fils, peut-être pas génétique mais au moins comportementale. C’est là un
behaviourisme à l’américain, à la Skinner, facile qui a prouvé plus que souvent
qu’il était raciste et ségrégationniste.
L’orientation sexuelle est le résultat de bien des paramètres mais elle est
aussi un choix. A père gay refoulé il ne saurait y avoir fils gay refoulé. Si c’était
aussi simple les pires personnes anti-mariage gay et anti-homoparentalité
aurait absolument raison, et on sait parfaitement que cela est faux. On a
aujourd’hui trop de cas observés, légaux ou non, d’enfants élevés par deux
parents de même sexe, qu’ils soient amants ou pas, hommes ou femmes, pour qu’on
puisse dire qu’il n’y a aucune transmission automatique de l’orientation
sexuelle de ces parents aux enfants qu’ils élèvent. D’ailleurs de nombreuses personnes
gay ou lesbiennes sont issues de familles hétérosexuelles à l’orientation
claire et bien définie.

Ce film donc touche à un sujet assez poignant mais il implique une
conclusion qui n’est absolument pas justifiée, pour une raison simple : l’amour
n’est pas l’échange de fluides hormonaux. On peut aimer sans cela. On peut
aimer avec rapports physiques. On peut aimer une personne avec ou sans rapport physique
intime et avoir une pratique physique purement hormonale sans amour en dehors
de cette relation. Si on devait avoir des échanges hormonaux avec toutes les personnes
qu’on aime, nous n’en finirions pas, et il faudrait commencer avec ses propres
parents et frères et sœurs. Les rapports physiques intimes libérés du 21ème
siècle ne remettent en rien en cause l’amour qui est tellement plus que cela,
et parfois n’est pas cela du tout.
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 3:18 PM
It could become a great story. It is not one yet.
Do not enter this book believing
that the adventure will come to a full end. You would be mistaken. This is a
first volume OF a series though I cannot tell you if it is going to be two or
three or more volumes.
This being said you will find the
book interesting. This novel is written for an audience between 12 and 16, when
young people, and I think mostly boys, are still very much uncultured in the
fantasy genre of literature written for young teenagers. If they were they
would react like adults would and that’s where I am going to start because the deeper
meaning comes from there, but it would destroy the pleasure of these young teenagers.

This story is original but it is
great patchwork. The human world on top and a fantasy world under, that’s a
classic in teenage literature. It is first active in Stephen King’s The Talisman (1984) in which King is
associated with Peter Straub. The human world on top is polluted and
irresponsible and that has severe consequences on the fantasy world underneath
in which the young teenager hero has to retrieve a talisman to save his mother
in this world. Strangely enough the human world is superior in the fact that
what happens in it determines what happens in the world underneath. Stephen
King will use the fantasy world again in The
Eyes of the Dragon (1987) that takes place in what is the fantasy world of The Dark Tower. But it is mostly self-contained;
the superior human world is not really used as such. In the series of novels
known under the generic name of The Dark
Tower (started in 1982, hence before the two titles I have just quoted, and
officially terminated in 2004, with yet an extension in 2012) is fundamentally
based on that division of the world in two, the real human world, essentially
New York, and the fantasy world that is going through a deep crisis of death
due to the mismanagement of the human world, yet this fantasy world has no real
future since the vast picaresque journey officially to salvage it ends at the
exact same point as when it started, hence it starts all over again, hence it
is circular, not cyclical, since there is no change between the starting point
and the finishing points that are exactly the same.

None of that in this book where
the human, world is an escape or refuge world and nothing else for the
endangered people in the world underneath.
You will of course think of
Tolkien or even George Martin, but in these authors there is no superior human
world. The whole story is absolutely contained in the fantasy world. There are
many authors along that line. It is in fact a whole genre per se.
But you cannot avoid thinking of
C.S. Lewis and his Narnia saga. The great difference is that in Narnia we are
dealing with books that are all self-sufficient. Each volume brings the story
of the volume to a complete end. It starts most of the time from this world,
concerns young teenagers who pass to the other world where they have some
adventure and they come back to this world when the adventure has come to a
close. You can have some follow-up elements from one volume to another but they
are not basic, meaning they do not build the architecture of each volume, they
build a wider architecture you do not need to enjoy each volume.
There is one essential
difference. This here volume is a first volume that does not bring to a close
the various plots and stories. It calls for a subsequent sequel, which is
slightly frustrating, but which is in full similarity with Stephen King’s The Dark Tower, though maybe more
suspenseful since the epilogue of this here volume is really dropping all
business in absolute suspension.

The world underneath is divided
between a white Zara and a black Darken, the two antagonistic parts of this
fantasy world known as Orchestra, whose inhabitants are Orchins. There are two
kingdoms that are hostile and we enter the story when the two kings have been
eliminated, when the son of the good Queen Belle has been saved into the human
world and when the bad Queen Abigail is dominating the whole Orchestra but yet
misses one element to be supreme, one of three diamonds, the one that was
evacuated into the human world along with Queen Belle’s son, James Clyde. The
whole story is to bring James Clyde back to his Zara throne as the Savior, to
bring the green diamond back to this Orchestra world. And we find ourselves in
the middle of the war started by Queen Abigail to conquer the green diamond, to
kill James the Savior and to establish her power as paramount with the help of
a sorcerer, Imorex. You can note I totally push aside the plot elements that
take place in the human world. So far they are not significant in the Orchestra
It all ends up as unfinished
business at all levels, but rather advanced in a couple of domains.
This black and white world cut in
two spheres is the typical world Salman Rushdie imagined in his story book for
young teenagers Haroun and the Sea of
Stories (1990), and I am sure it has an older model or pattern in Lewis
Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland (1865) with the Queen of Spades against the Queen of Hearts as
an adapted extension of the original story that only has one bad queen, the
Queen of Hearts, and further becoming the good White Queen and the bad Red
Queen in the more than famous adaptation by Walt Disney. We cannot attribute this
split to Lewis Carroll himself but it was introduced rather fast into the story
by various adaptors and plagiarists. We could also think of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan (1904) though then the two
worlds are really defined differently, one being the world of normal life when
awake, and the other the world of children’s dreamlike fantasy.

When all that is said – for
adults – we can wonder about the meaning of the story. Such stories are always
based on simple ethics that can be made more or less complicated, subtle and
refined. In this case it is an all-out opposition good versus bad; white versus
black; knights versus monsters (Volen and Dakotas);
human and empathetic versus inhuman, un-human and by principle cruel; faithful
and trustworthy versus treacherous and deceitful. Then the only subtleties you
can have are about the level of intelligence of the characters (swift, smart,
brilliant, etc., or the opposites) and the level of self-pride that can reach
total vanity. That makes simple-minded people and heroes. They could be worked upon
slightly more in depth.
The reference to twelve knights
is a real schematic symbol because there is never any list of them. But being
obstinate I found the following names: Gabriel, Joel, Lance, Joseph, Nathan,
Tobias, Eric, David, Noah, Wilmore, Ethan, Matthew, to which we have to add
Kila, which makes twelve since Wilmore is dead, and moreover Gilbert cannot be
considered as a member, though he used to be their leader, since he is the
traitor. We can note of course the pattern of twelve containing a traitor and
that traitor being taken out we come back to twelve again and the twelve
knights are at the service of the Savior, James who is of course the brother of
Jesus, close enough, from a father who was Jacob, hence the same reference


More complex is the diamond
trinity. Since the first one we meet (in fact the third one of the trinity) is
associated to the color green we would like it to lead to the three audiovisual
colors Red Blue and Green, in which green is naturally the third diamond, the
last diamond, the missing diamond. Our author here knows these three colors
since he must have a computer that tells him regularly Red Green Blue or RGB. But
we saw the second diamond when it was stolen by Gilbert, then transferred by
Imorex to Queen Abigail, and it never had anything more than a glint and no color.
Too bad. This trinity would be enriched if it were a trinity of colors, the
audiovisual trinity or the painting trinity (Red Yellow and Blue). But it is a
trinity nevertheless and as such a pattern, the most distant and ancient
pattern of all divinity in all civilizations: the divine is always ternary in a
way or another, three gods for example, and the most famous trinity in European
mythology is the Triple Goddess that became the three weird sisters of Shakespeare.
We cannot of course ignore that it is also the basic nature of the Christian
god, though the Jewish god is binary and the Muslim god is absolutely unitary.
To thus bring a ternary pattern
in a basically binary world is quite significant and it reflects the impossibility
of our modern world to clearly choose between one way or the other, between
progressive reform or conservative reform, constantly questioning that binary
choice with ternary election results that create a third power somewhere that
slows down or blocks the basic binary choice. Maybe after all it is not that
simple and the world should not be reduced to two contradictory antagonistic
elements. Note in this story the earth, the world of the humans is the ternary
element, the escape and the refuge from the binary world underneath.

All those are patterns and they
all are significant and signifying. They build in the child’s mind some fuzzy
structure in which there is a dual existential swinging or swaying movement
between two poles and yet some kind of magical, supernatural and superior
escape from this into a third universe. That should build in the readers the
idea that you always have to keep some option in store in case the basic dual
options did not work. Between two black and white (or black and red if you
prefer) extremes it is most of the time a complex combination of the various
hues and shades of the in-between grey(s) that is the alternative, the escape,
the refuge. This is the main post-post-modern consciousness of our world. After
the fundamentalisms of the 19th century that outlived themselves up
to the early 1950s we thought there was no truth but only a myriad of points of
view, and now after 50 years of post modern belief we come to this simpler
approach that humanity is always divided between two contradictory and antagonistic
extremes and yet the truth can only be in-between in the palette of all the
grey(s) you can imagine.
Between the extreme red and blue,
infra-red and ultraviolet, the existential truth is in the vast spectrum of
yellow and green provided the two extreme margins are never completely
annihilated, even if they could ever be.
This is rich literature for
teenagers, though it could be make even richer by working more on the
in-between shades of plot, characters, genders and monstrosities. The next
volume might enrich this vision. Let’s hope so.
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 5:11 AM
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau at Amazon (17)
This is the love story of two people who cross all limits of moderation
or even intensity to reach beyond into the land where suffering becomes
pleasurable, where dependence becomes bliss because submission is real
happiness. They get and find their inspiration in real life for sure but also
in their culture deeply animated by all kinds of blood sacrifices from Jesus to
the Incas, from Isaac to the Mayas.
These two, a man and a woman, do not believe one moment they are
perverse or abnormal. They are just doing to each other and to some other more
or less, often less, consenting actors what they see going on in all war zones.
For them life is a war and living is survival, a constant battle against forces
that want their doom, their end, their death.
For them, both of them who are both dominant and submissive, master and
slave or mistress and slave, suffering is an offering to the person you love,
to the person who loves you. It is an honor just like it was for Jesus to die
for his father and for the sacrificed young men to die for their Sun god, the
sun god of the Mayas or the Aztecs.
Enter that deep jungle of sorrowful pleasure and blissful pain.
Olliergues, November 13,
2014;;; and all other Amazon stores. KDP Edition
File Size: 1067 KB
Print Length: 96 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Editions
La Dondaine; 1st edition (November 12, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon
Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Price: US$4.63 – EUR 3,72 – IndR 277.00 – ¥ 516
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:40 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau at (15)
C’est un long voyage au cœur des arts de la scène
que nous allons faire à travers dix siècles d’histoire.
Tous nos arts poussent leurs racines dans un
héritage judéo-chrétien fort ancien, sans parler de la mythologie grecque. L’histoire des dix
derniers siècles d’arts dramatiques est marquée par un long parcours progressif
d’une acceptation de la téléologie judéo-chrétienne à sa négation absolue au
profit d’une téléologie « humaniste » dont la forme ultime est le
scientisme naturaliste ou social de Darwin et Marx (et surtout de leurs
continuateurs). Depuis une dizaine d’années, […] [n]ous vivons aujourd’hui les
prémisses du siècle des religions.
Nous allons ainsi parcourir environ vingt-cinq
siècles d’histoire humaine occidentale. Nous partirons des bases
judéo-chrétiennes de la Bible, Ancien et Nouveau Testament, pour
planter le décor. Puis nous passerons au théâtre (même si certains considèrent
que la Bible est une mise en scène,
sans jeu de mot sur ce dernier item lexical). Le Moyen Âge nous offrira des
illustrations de la première phase d’une référence biblique triomphante. Puis
les temps baroques nous montreront comment une distanciation progressivement se
construit avec une référence à la nature et à la psychologie des personnages.
Ensuite nous regarderons de prêt le révélateur « FAUST » de Marlowe à
Gounod. Nous y verrons Dieu en train de mourir avant même la notice nécrologique
de Hegel écrite en lettres d’or à la cheminée de la philosophie, sans parler de
celle de Marx gravée dans le marbre de la stèle funéraire et mortifère de la
lutte des classes comme explication finale et absolue du monde. Puis nous
suivrons cette mort de Dieu chez le Juif (et cela est capital) Gustav Mahler et
le Slave Igor Stravinsky (associé à Jean Cocteau). Nous déboucherons alors sur
l’ère du cinéma et sur un monde qui n’a plus de Dieu, mais qui pourtant
recherche une téléologie qu’il construit de toutes pièces, avec parfois le
vieux modèle de
la Genèse au fond des yeux. Et ce cinéma est le livre sacré
des auditoires les plus larges qui sont formés, informés et même déformés ou
conformés par ces images colorées et animées qu’on leur projette à longueur de
journée, et de nuit, sur toutes sortes d’écran.

Nous finirons ce voyage avec deux métaphores
dramatiques. D’une part Good Bye Lenin,
la métaphore de la disparition de la téléologie communiste, marxiste ou
stalinienne, comme on veut. D’autre part La
Passion du Christ de Mel Gibson, la métaphore du retour en force du modèle
téléologique christique. […]
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 12:42 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
José Valverde à Amazon (14)
pièce se déroule dans le salon ovale de la Maison Blanche à Washington le 6
Août 1945, c'est-à-dire le jour du lancement de la première bombe atomique sur
le Japon. Elle commence au moment de l’envol du B29 depuis l’ile américaine de
Tinian avec la bombe dans sa soute. Les
noms et les fonctions officielles des principaux personnages sont authentiques
mais leurs paroles sont de la pure imagination de l’auteur tout en étant
vraisemblables. Le Major HINSMITH est imaginaire. Les évènements et les
discussions qui ont eu lieu à la Maison Blanche sont à peu près connus mais ils
se sont déroulés pendant au moins une semaine. J’ai souhaité contracté le
temps, le lieu et l’action. De manière à donner aux évènements relatés
authentiques la dimension d’une tragédie classique qui implique unité de lieu,
unité de temps, unité d’action. Il s’agit de théâtre !
« Une
pièce écrite est toujours un projet de pièce. Seule la représentation après le
travail de répétition avec les interprètes permet de trouver la musique juste
avec ses rythmes et ses couleurs.
pour moi, le théâtre c’est avant tout un genre musical, un concerto dont les
instruments, les acteurs, ne sont pas définis à l’avance. Cette déclaration
surprendra peut-être ceux qui constateront qu’il s’agit d’une pièce très
réaliste inspirée d’évènements (Hélas !) réels.
ils ne sont jamais définis. Les acteurs changent mais aussi le public et le
temps qu’il fait dehors dans le temps du dedans. Une pièce n’existe que dans le
temps éphémère d’une représentation.
avec ceux qui monteraient ce « projet de pièce » metteur en scène et
acteur qu’il conviendrait d’en donner une version plus provisoirement
définitive avec ou sans ma complicité active. » (José Valverde, p. 4)
The play takes place in
the Oval Office at the White House, Washington, on August 6, 1945, that is on
the day of the dropping of the first atom bomb on Japan. The names and official
functions of the main characters are real but their declarations are entirely
fictitious as imagined by the author, though quite believable. Major Patricia
Hinsmith is entirely fictional.;;; and all other Amazon stores.
KDP Edition
Nombre de pages en édition imprimée : 129 pages
Editeur : Editions La
Dondaine; 1st edition (July 10, 2014)
Vendu par : Amazon Digital
Services, Inc.
Langue : French and English
PRIX : US$10.05, EUR
7.39, ¥ 995, IndR 375.00, …
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:16 PM
Monday, January 25, 2016
Jacques Coulardeau at Amazon (13)
débarque du satellite Europa de Jupiter dans son Vaisseau Spatial Individuel
(VSI) à La Chaise Dieu en 3015 pour l'ouverture du Festival. Il découvre
l'Abbatiale et ses secrets ou ses charmes parfois cachés, et surtout une
musique "sucrée" comme on dit sur Jupiter (en fait "sweet"
car on parle anglais partout dans le cosmos sauf en France), qui serait en
langue française standard de la musique sacrée.
il prend un sacré pied - de nez bien sûr - à utiliser ses pouvoirs cosmiques
pour ajouter un peu de piment et de piquant dans le concert. Il en invente
alors le concept de Maladie Spirituellement Transmissible appelé à avoir une
longue carrière universelle dans l'univers des millénaires à venir. Il est sûr
que l'introduction de Rap dans l'Abbatiale entre deux morceaux baroques a pu
semblé un peu rococo aux esthètes patentés de la presse bien en vue - mais bien
mal en vie - de Paris. Inutile de dire que Loukardill est reparti ce soit là
plein de souvenirs fantasques.
nous a laissé à rêver de ce que ce Festival pourrait être s'il était interrompu
de façon intermittente par des artistes alternatifs intermittents pour des
divertissements anachronistiques (en anglais dans le texte) intermittents.
Certains diraient bien des choses, mais Loukardill n'en pense pas moins.;;; and all other Amazon stores.
KDP Edition
37 pages
Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Editions La Dondaine; 1 edition (July 4, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: French
Lending: Not Enabled
Price: US $8.24,
EUR 6,04
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 2:22 PM
Winston Churchill creating modern Englan in the wings
This second series widens the
geographical frame and leads the Shelby’s to London. The Irish are
definitely on the back burner and Winston Churchill is quite obviously playing
a game of his own against the “new cop who came from Ireland” and cannot think in other
terms than the IRA. Winston Churchill must be seeing beyond the Irish problem
and seeing that the inner English problem is more dangerous for the crown than
the Irish rebellion to which anyway they yielded then.

That’s where moving to London and
trying to start an export business the Shelby’s came in full confrontation with
two other organized shady and fuzzy business gangs in this field of
entertainment, alcohol and tobacco. The Italians and the Jews. The Italians
want to be over everyone, so the Shelby’s who are identified as the Gypsies tie
up an alliance with the Jews against the Italians who saw the danger and then
tie up a new alliance with the Jews against the Gypsies. Three groups that are
defined ethnically, culturally and religiously who try to take control of the
entertainment business with the enormous US market presently shaken by
prohibition and yet next door to Canada which is not concerned but is a marvelous
entry gate.

Those three groups are in a
struggle that looks more like a war but it is essential to understand modern England. England had a
bill of rights and other more common law than constitutional basic civil rights
but for a long time limited to the Protestants, the Catholics being excluded. When
they had to move away from this segregation they introduced or maintained
(since Italian and Gypsies are Catholics and Jews are not exactly Protestants)
other discriminations against other communities essentially seen as
non-English. The Italians are obvious since they are of foreign origin and Mussolini
is going to come to power and Italian refugees, mostly communists, are going to
increase in numbers. The Jews are less obvious but anti-Semite feelings in England have always
been high in the past, Shakespeare being a good example there, or Dickens. And
these Jews have strange customs that are kind of shocking to the English. Finally
the Gypsies have always been some kind of social enemy and social marginal
group that was always engaged in shady business with the reputation of
practicing prostitution, drug dealing, illegal betting and illegal fights, and
many other niceties of the type.
The most dangerous fact is that
they are all back from the First World War where they learned how to use
weapons and how to fight and they do not want to be downtrodden any more.
In this society the real danger
is the possibility for the communists to conquer a vast influence based on
discontentment. So the best way is to come to terms with some of the shady
groups so that they will entertain the lower classes and prevent discontentment
from becoming dangerous revolutionary enterprises or adventures. In this second
series this communist danger is mostly marginalized and Winston Churchill wants
to take the control of the entertainment business and he considers the gypsies
are the least dangerous in that line.

So while the “new cop” from
Ireland, who does not from my point of view deserve a name because he is not
doing police work but civil war military action, is going on with his plan of
getting rid of one higher up military officer who has in a way or another in
the “new cop’s” mind betrayed his ideals in Ireland, and what’s more he is
going on with his secondary plan of using Thomas Shelby to fulfill the first,
Winston Churchill plans saving Thomas Shelby from the hands of this “new cop
from Ireland” and keeping him in store for some objective we cannot know.

This exploration of
discriminatory and racist England
is interesting because we would not think it was like that so little time back,
and yet it is the lessons learned from this period that explains the policy
with various communities who have their autonomy and their self governing
powers in various fields like education. What others in the world call communitarianism
is totally recognized in England
and it works rather well when connections and relations are established between
and among the communities within city councils and borough boundaries. We are
here at the roots of English reformist conservatism which kills the left most
of the time who wants to impose some principles that go against practical
realism in social matters.
Of course this series has to get
rid of a couple of people who are blocking the future and to save a couple more
without whom there would be no future. In other words the next series is thus clearly
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 1:55 PM
Don't trust the FBI to do good police work
– HOSTAGES – 2013
This thriller is interesting,
though not so much as a thriller, AND rather as a way the author uses to
express and air some ideas about this world.
He deals with Chile first and
more or less reflectS some historical consensual ideas about Allende and
Pinochet. It is a cliché that the landless and the poor were going to seize the
land and the possessions of the rich. Yet it was true that Allende was a
fundamentalist Marxist, or at least his party was referring to Stalin as one of
their main figures; Marx, Lenin and Stalin. When you used such symbols in the
early 1970s it could only generate fear and hostility. Then the author is true
about the military coup organized by Pinochet though he is wrong about Allende
being killed. We know today he committed suicide before being taken. But that
is more or less consensual. His character Amado is one of the sons of a land-owning
military family that supported Pinochet. That is intended to more or less give
us some sympathy for the chap, though he is not a victim of his social origin.
He is a privileged person in Chile
and in the USA where he
managed to become a citizen by buying himself an American wife for 1,500
dollars and he got a job in some American Agency thanks to his father’s
connections in diplomacy in Washington

The second opportunity comes with
Tom O’Malley and his girlfriend Amy who just graduated from Georgetown University
earlier in the day when Tom is taken hostage in Washington DC.
The vision of these upper middle class white students who yet work part time at
least to pay for their expenses are more than naïve about the world: they are
described as purely blind and maybe it is better like that because otherwise
they would get completely berserk: they do not have the human strength it takes
to face the real world. These young people do not seem to have any altruistic
ideals either. They only believe in their welfare and in their pleasure that
can include an elephant walk or strutting naked on the top of an apartment
complex provided it is done within the normal codes of a celebration after a
rugby match though it could also be after a football game. But do not panic,
the version of the elephant walk in this book is a civilized and prudish one.
The Urban Dictionary would give you a completely different description not for
sports events celebration but for hazing – which is illegal though widely
practiced. Here is their description though slightly edited by me: “Often used for hazing where a group of guys form a
straight line and grab the e**** c*** of the guy in back of them with one hand
and put the thumb of the other hand in the s******** of the guy in front of
them then they walk in a circle.” You must understand they are naked of course.
Their only objective beyond their university years is to marry and start a
family with several kids. And probably one dog and a cat and several cars.
That’s the middle and upper middle class ambition in the USA.

third opportunity is the originally Christian André, the son of a hotel
developer in Beirut, turned Muslim Abdul when his three many star hotels are
bombed down during one episode of civil war in Lebanon. He becomes the main
agent of some kind of kinky propaganda operation in the USA where he takes twenty, twenty-one or
twenty-two hostages in the Agency for World Peace in Washington DC.
This is in no way in conformity with the methods used by Islamic terrorists. If
they take hostages and do not kill them it’s because they have a particular
demand, which is implied in the book but never specified, and because these
demands are satisfied, which is impossible since the USA do not bargain with terrorists
as it is clearly expressed in the book. So their killing only one after
liberating two, Amado and Tom, who were supposed to carry demands that never
came, sounds totally illogical. I am not good at suspending my disbelief too
much, and here it is a lot. Terrorists just want to make as many casualties as
possible at the lower human cost possible, generally only one terrorist agent, and
when they do not reach a dozen or more casualties it’s the result of bad
planning or hostile circumstances.

is the weak point in this novel. He is not believable. But we can make do with
general frame of the plot is slightly loose though it is tightly kept within
some clear cut limits. Loose since after the hostage operation the two freed
hostages go on a radio and TV show tour without any police protection to be
celebrities for two weeks because it cannot last more than two weeks. After two
weeks the American public needs a change. That’s loose since they go to
Washington, San Francisco, LA,
Houston and Miami and probably a few more stops but can’t
make much more in two weeks, which is tight.

the whole thing is based on the very silly character of Amado. He is hired by
André-Abdul for a double hostage taking operation, the second episode being
right at the end of the celebrity tour, and this Amado thinks (since Tom was
not included in the original plan: he comes into the picture as a pizza
delivery boy in the wrong place at the wrong time) the second operation was
just to be as fake as the first one and that he was going to go through with
one millions US dollars. You sure must be a dullard if you believe that. But he
believes it and though he is told that at the end the pizza boy will have to
killed he never believes he will be killed too. What’s more he falls in “love”
with Tom and Tom falls not in love but for Amado anyway who is only a
boy-version of Amy his girlfriend except that Amado is only one of the boys Tom
like many male American around 20 is used to go out with crawling from one bar
to the next for beer and alcohol, at least in the states where they do not have
to be 21 to be served. I could call that a bar pilgrimage whose only objective
is to get drunk slowly and to end up doing some dumb things like smoking
marihuana, taking cocaine, injecting heroin, and of course biting in the flesh
of girls who may slap you for it but you will do it again on the slapper or on
the one next to the slapper.

But do not ask me why these two
rescued or freed hostages did not have an FBI agent going along with them in
their tour. It sounds like very bad precautionary police work. I find the FBI
rather under all expectations here. It is true we are used to Dexter, CSI of
all shades, NCIS of several coasts and many others. So we seem to know better,
and we probably do. And do not forget in this case the Department of Homeland
Security and the CIA. Maybe Pizza Boy was an accident, but Amado, from Chile mind you,
was one of the original hostages and the end of the first hostage episode should
have brought up a strong suspicion that there was some kind of bizarre planning
especially since André-Abdul had disappeared from the scene when the SWAT
stormed the building. And the fact that he could be a “mole” had to be taken
seriously by security services.
But it is funny ah ah and rather
dense enough to be enjoyable. It maybe turns a little bit long at some stops
along the tour. But it is purely coincidental if American, Amy and Amado start
with the same two letters.
# posted by Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU @ 4:33 AM
