Thursday, April 30, 2015


Jacques Coulardeau at (31)
Discussion Session up to May 20, 2015

Dalits are the mass victims of a slow cooking Holocaust that has been going on for millennia 

And apart from changing their name, in spite of just trying to assess their number and without even really trying to put an end to the segregation, some glorify some divine models that just perpetuate their fate till death ensues. 

A hot debate on Youtube and some other reviews of very provocative and challenging books on the fate of Dalits and women in a culture that sings the beauty of taking women along the road for your pleasure when you are a man and that makes you divine.
Publication Date: Apr 30, 2015
Publisher: Editions La Dondaine
Location: Olliergues, France
Research Interests:

Buddhism, Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, Indian Diaspora. Jhumpa Lahiri. Margaret Wilson. Post Collonial Literature. Women's Writings., Indian women Fiction,Dhammapada, Dalits, Untouchables, Ambedkar, and Change in Rape Laws in India

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