Sunday, October 27, 2024
Christmas says Hello to Hanukkah in this Yule Season
Books 4 Both Mind & Senses
Christmas is already looming up on the winter horizon. E-books will
never run out of print and you can transport your whole library in your shirt's
front pocket. You can read them anywhere, in any place where you can plug your
own mental roots onto any WIFI cloud. Then you can savor your quenching all
your thirsts and hungers for anything that can be represented in an e-book,
practically everything you can imagine; Then buy e-books and put them under
your Christmas tree and surprise your neighbors, friends, and family with
stories about another mental world than their own.
Enlightening Books 4 Both Mind
& Senses
Literature, * Educational Research,
* Poetry, * Research, * Erotica
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Let's Get Lost in Symbolism
Symboleracy and its three branches
Do not miss these videos that are too long to be on this site.
But there is no limit to communication, except, if we do not care enough, that
GenAI might be able to absolutely control, edit, and even rewrite what we want
to say before we can even open our mouths.
In our modern digital and AI world, we need to become literate,
autonomous, and endowed with self-learning sustainability in three domains,
autonomous yet articulated together. SYMBOLERACY- ... And at the end 300,000
years later, GenAI is colonizing the universe.
Éditions La Dondaine, Medium, YouTube
History, * Literacy, * Symbolic Anthropology (Anthropology), * Numeracy, * Phylogeny
Prickly Pears are on the desktop.
(PowerPoinT, Excerpt) (slightly
expanded PPT)
He did not enter the change but he multiplied the possibilities of the Symboleracy he inherited from his ancestors. From this symboleracy, he developed oral literacy, later on, written literacy, along the way, numeracy, and later on again, calculators and techneracy (beyond the use of stones). From the watermills of the Benedictines in Europe, humanity jumped to GenAI, and this is surely exhilarating, and yet with plenty of dangerous possibilities.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Radio is supreme
Tout ce que vous voulez savoir… sur les Bénédictins
Réseau Européen des Sites Casadéens
Conférence présentée le 13 juillet 2024
La Révolution Bénédictine
du Livradois-Forez
L’enregistrement de la conférence
est accessible librement sur le site :
Les recherches effectuées par nos
intervenants sont publiées dans le
Ebook présenté
La Réforme Carolingienne de
Charlemagne, réforme sur laquelle nous vivons encore : les 52 dimanches et quelques
fêtes comme Noël, Pâques, l’Assomption et Toussaint. Il s’agit de comprendre le
passage de la société esclavagiste d’avant les Carolingiens à la société
féodale qui pour notre Livradois-Forez introduit une révolution verte sans
précédent, une gestion de l’eau en drainage et irrigation sans équivalent sauf
à Babylone. Les Bénédictins ont largement contribué à cette évolution :
Les Bénédictins casadéens
introduisirent les moulins à eau qui purent alimenter en énergie mécanique les moulins
à grain, à tan, à huile, et les moulins à foulon pour le chanvre et plus tard
le papier. Ils purent aussi aider à la mise en place et au fonctionnement des
métiers à tresser qui firent du Livradois la patrie du cordage et donc du
câble, technologie que l’entreprise Omerin développe et exploite encore
aujourd’hui au niveau mondial, l’usine d’Olliergues (aujourd’hui fermée mais
entretenue) fonctionnant à l’énergie hydraulique de la Repote, gentille rivière
Forézienne, affluent de la Dore.
Ils ont aussi construit nombre
d’églises romanes, riches de chapiteaux historiés, de fresques, de vitraux, et
de souterraines circulations aquatiques, de statues de la Vierge, représentée
debout ou en majesté, portant toujours l’enfant Jésus, que nous pouvons admirer
: Jacques COULARDEAU, Clément GOMY , Ludivine
EBOOK : Format
Kindle - Prix Kindle : 6,00 € TTC - Vendu par : Amazon
Media EU S.à r.l.
Détails sur le produit
- ASIN : B0D9554YXK
- Éditeur : Éd. La Dondaine 1ère édition (8 juillet
- Langue : Français et Anglais
- Taille du fichier : 8822 KB
- Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil : Illimité
- Synthèse vocale : Activée
- Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
- Confort de lecture : Activé
-Word Wise : Non activé
- Pense-bêtes : Sur Kindle Scribe
- Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 289 pages
© Les
auteurs et autrices, juillet 2024 - Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation
et de traduction, intégrale ou partielle, réservés pour tout pays. L’auteur ou l’autrice
est seul(e) propriétaire des droits et responsables du contenu du livre.Publié
par Éditions La Dondaine, Olliergues, France, 2024. Distribué par Kindle Direct
Publishing sur les plateformes commerciales d’Amazon.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
The Dead Sea Scrolls are the very heart of the Palestinian problem
Robert Eisenman is
an adventurer who goes around and finds treasures in caves. His specialty is
the scrolls in old Hebrew he found in the caves around the Dead Sea, the famous
Dead Sea Scrolls, and today it is accepted that they must have been written and
deposited in these caves in the late half of the first century BCE and the
first half, a little bit more probably, of the first century AD. The Teacher of
this group seemed to be James, Jesus’s own brother, who was assassinated by the
High Priest of the Temple in Jerusalem in the most horrible way you could
imagine. He was thrown over the walls and obliged to undress completely, which
is unacceptable in Jewish ethics. Then he had to dig his own vertical tomb, was
set in it, the head over the ground, buried up to the neck, and then stoned and
abandoned to die of thirst.
These documents show a perfect continuity with the Old Testament, which is not surprising, but also with the New Testament and the Gospels, which proves the continuity between Judaism and Christianity.
For me, the most surprising element is the presence, and very well developed what’s more, of the zealot ideology, a dogmatic vision of what Jews are supposed to be, absolutely dominated by and submissive to the Torah. Total fundamentalism that goes along with the elimination of those who are not perfect Jews, who are not even Jews at all like the Gentiles and the Arabs. This zealot ideology is very present in Islam, but it is also present in Judaism and even if in more subtle words in the modern world in Christianity. The three Abrahamic religions have inherited this from the old Torah tradition and the three religions have integrated it into their general preaching.
A phenomenal piece
of heritage that gives you cold shivers along your spine. We can really be
worried about this, about the future of our world.
Dead Sea Scrolls (Religi), * Dogmatism (epistemology), * Qumran, * The Fourth School of
Philosophy Zealots
Monday, October 07, 2024
Douche froide dans ma baignoire
Il n’est de radio que locale
Croyez en qui vous voulez, ou en quoi que vous puissiez
souhaiter, mais l’histoire n’a cure de ce que vous pouvez bien penser ou
désirer. L’histoire est une grosse machine qui passe avec ses milliers de roues,
de voitures, de tanks, de vélos, de motos et même de robots automombiles ou autres
aspirateurs de maison, ET VOUS N’ÊTES QU’UN OBSTACLE.
Et les générations suivantes héritent de tout çà.
Merci mon Dieu, Merci mon Diable.
Believe in who you want, or whatever you might wish, but history does not care what you may/might/could think or desire. History is a big machine that passes with its thousands of wheels, cars, tanks, bicycles, motorcycles and even self-driving robots or other home vacuum cleaners, AND YOU ARE ONLY AN OBSTACLE.
And the following generations inherit all
that. Thank you, my God, Thank you, my Satan.
Éditions La Dondaine,
Religion, * History, * Medieval
History, * History
of Monasticism, * Water
Thursday, October 03, 2024
Orlinski fait le Jacques / Orlinski Dances with Saint Vitus
Jakub Josef Orlinski will never step back in front of a difficulty. Hence, breakdancing just in front of The Albert Hall in London is for him more than a Promenade Concert. It is a Manifesto, not the one by Karl Marx who rests in peace in some London cemetery, but his own manifesto that lets him say music is not a code, but it is a spiritual trip to the other end of our world where you can dance the waltz to a Gregorian chant. So why not breakdancing on a baroque Black and Soul voodoo diabolical rhythm?
Yes indeed, why
not? I guess in Poland priests dance a polka just before and just after
communion. So, you will not be surprised by this CD. You will be enchanted, I
mean possessed and haunted forever, because then you will know baroque music is
the favorite accompaniment of all mafia crimes and omerta is the rule
afterward. It is sure. Orlinski is trying to tell us something, but it is
locked between the lines and he did not provide us with the key to this healing
Jakub Josef Orlinski ne recule jamais devant une difficulté. Ainsi, faire
du breakdance devant l'Albert Hall de Londres est pour lui plus qu'un concert
promenade. C'est un manifeste, pas celui de Karl Marx qui repose en paix dans
quelque cimetière londonien, mais son propre manifeste qui lui permet de dire
que la musique n'est pas un code, mais un voyage spirituel à l'autre bout de
notre monde où l'on peut danser la valse sur un chant grégorien. Alors pourquoi
ne pas faire du breakdance sur un rythme baroque diabolique de Black and Soul
vaudou ?
Oui en effet, pourquoi pas ? Je suppose qu'en Pologne les prêtres
dansent une polka juste avant et juste après la communion. Donc, vous ne serez
pas surpris par ce CD. Vous serez enchantés, je veux dire possédés et hantés à
jamais, car vous saurez alors que la musique baroque est l'accompagnement
préféré de tous les crimes mafieux et que l'omerta est la règle après. C'est
sûr. Orlinski essaie de nous dire quelque chose, mais c'est enfermé entre les
lignes et il ne nous a pas fourni la clé de ce coffre de guérison.
Éditions La Dondaine,
Poetry, * Narcissism
(Psychology), * Baroque
Music, * ópera
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
So easy to see a plot everywhere
This comic book is not a revolution in art, nor a revelation in history. If the facts are true, and not licensed by the freedom or artistic expression, then the top leadership of the Catholic Church is targeted as vicious, lying, perverse and hypocritical. The Peace of God becomes the Crusade of God and the Commerce of Spices and Silk. An enormous proportion of Crusaders do not come back and they kill at least as many as they are, one dead body for one Crusader if it is not more, and probably ten dead Arabs for hardly one dead Crusader.
We are better now. The end of the comic book exposes George W. Bush and his Secretary of State, Dick Cheney, as liars but, once again, they do not tell us how many people were killed on the middle-eastern side and how many bodies were buried of such victims of the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan as compared to the total number of GIs and other military personnel sent to the Middle East by the US and some other countries.
definitely is another way of reading these events, provided we change points of
view and shift from today’s readership to the consciousness of ordinary people
in the 13th century. The full contradiction between bigotry and
educated critical mind has to be explored, and I am sure it could lead to very
interesting pages.
Cette bande dessinée n'est pas une révolution dans
l'art, ni une révélation dans l'histoire. […]
2024, Édition La Dondaine,
History, * Colonialism, * Crusades and the Latin East, * Imperialism, * Manipulation