Friday, June 07, 2024


The Backlash will be coming soon




Bernard Marr just published Generative AI in Practice (1), which brings together the matter he has been dealing with on his blogs: Artificial Intelligence from the simple practical point of view of a user along with a systematic question about what can the consequences be for the various jobs these users have? But the book is always schematic when it shows the negative consequences will not compare with the positive consequences, though bad or good, they will require a lot of changes in the way we work, the jobs available, and the mindset of the users.


Bernard Marr does not insist so much on the negative sides of GenAI, but he does list them, particularly all sorts of cheating by using GenAI to replace one’s own writing work, all types of misuse of the intellectual property of such mechanical production of text, images, videos or any other copyrightable product that the user presents as his/her own.


But he does not enter the details, and thus he remains superficial. The problems of misinformation, hallucination, and bias are a lot less important, even with deep fakes, though Bernard Marr remains superficial on such dangers. He considers these GenAI products more like patentable or trademark problems, which they are but that’s the only side or point of view of the businesses using this technology.


At the present moment, lawsuits are emerging on the Intellectual Property front with people getting ready to go to court for unauthorized use of protected data and items within LLMs, or the use of voices, slightly synthesized (hence plagiarism and plain theft) as commercial products sold with an unshared profit. I will concentrate, in the second part, on chapter 10 on education to enter some details I know from the practice of self-learning at many levels of the educational system. (2)


14 Pages – Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Learning and Teaching,  *  Self-regulated Learning,  *  Humanoid robots,  *  genAI

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Trekking Arts Trekking Us




Les Arts en Balade in Clermont-Ferrand this month of May 2024 were a success because they expanded to two cities outside Clermont conurbation, Thiers and Vic-Le-Comte, there were many people everywhere, there were 240+ artists or groups in about the same number of places: public spaces dedicated for such events, supportive professional institutions like the Order of Lawyers and the Order of Architects, many stores of all sorts opening their businesses to one or two artists, and also many apartments in the city transformed into workshops where artists could present their work. They were also a success because they lasted four days and were just as dense on Friday, May 17 as on the three following days up to Monday, May 20. Note the case of Michelin who opened their conference rooms and galleries in their Headquarters to three artists with a very good service guiding the visitors and making feel, equally at ease, the audience and the works of art, even from some green challenge declared to be ecological. Thank God we are not in the Orsay Museum of Le Louvre


This complete covering of the event I was able to work on, plus some suggestions for further development and opening to other arts than only plastic arts inside exhibition rooms or halls and on portable media. The opinions and tips are just mine of course, not those of an Artificial Intelligence requested to caress the wild artistic animals of this event smoothly and avoid ruffling their hairs. I apologize if some find it slightly rough at times. Arts are often harsh, and thus critics have to be harsh too. To critically cover an art exhibition is a love affair, and as they say in French, we could pretend that good lovers are also good at chastising those they love.


Les Arts en Balade à Clermont-Ferrand ce mois de mai 2024 ont été un succès car ils se sont étendus à deux villes hors agglomération clermontoise, Thiers et Vic-Le-Comte, il y avait beaucoup de monde partout, il y avait plus de 240 artistes ou groupes dans environ le même nombre de lieux : des espaces publics dédiés à de tels événements, des institutions professionnelles exprimant ainsi leur soutien comme l'Ordre des Avocats et l'Ordre des Architectes, de nombreux magasins en tout genre ouvrant leurs commerces à un ou deux artistes, mais aussi de nombreux appartements en ville transformés en ateliers. où les artistes pouvaient présenter leur travail. Ils furent également une réussite car ils durèrent quatre jours et furent tout aussi denses le vendredi 17 mai que les trois jours suivants jusqu'au lundi 20 mai. A noter le cas de Michelin qui a ouvert ses salles de conférence et d’exposition à son siège social à trois artistes avec un très bon service guidant les visiteurs et faisant sentir, également à l'aise, le public et les œuvres d'art, même de quelque défi vert déclaré écologique. Dieu merci, nous ne sommes pas au Musée d'Orsay ou du Louvre


Ce reportage complet de l'événement sur lequel j'ai pu travailler, ainsi que quelques suggestions de développements ultérieurs et d'ouverture à d'autres arts que les seuls arts plastiques à l'intérieur de salles ou halls d'exposition et sur supports transportables. Les avis et conseils n'engagent que moi bien sûr, et ne sont pas ceux d'une Intelligence Artificielle à qui on aurait demander de caresser les animaux sauvages artistiques de cet événement dans le sens du poil et d’éviter de leur ébouriffer les poils. Je m'excuse si certains trouvent cela parfois un peu rude. Les arts sont souvent rudes, et les critiques doivent donc l’être aussi. Couvrir de manière critique une exposition d’art est une histoire d’amour, et comme on dit en français, on pourrait prétendre que les bons amants sont aussi doués pour châtier ceux qu’ils aiment, vous savez l’intraduisible « Qui aime bien châtie bien »..

2024, Éditions La Dondaine,

Urban Studies,  *  Artistic Research,  *  Visual Arts,  *  Fine Arts


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