Friday, January 26, 2024


Humanity can only be in Spirituality




I (Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU) have been working with these researchers and this publisher for several, maybe many after all, years rather freely as for the topics and the methods. They understand that there cannot be any discussion if the people who are discussing any issue or topic are not different.

Blindness is absurd when it is in the mind. Color blindness is racism under another name. Religion-blindness, like in France, leads to repression of some religious practices that do not want to be invisible, unseen, blind-struck. Poverty-blindness is a loincloth for the obscene rejection of homeless people, ungraduated individuals, marginal, different, at times autistic human beings.

That’s the first element I find interesting in this research project. It tries to listen to everyone and discuss all points of view from creationism to the vastest conception of the phylogenic evolution of rocks as well as boys, girls, men, and women, without forgetting poetry, films, music, arts, and science, all sciences.


I always remember André Joly’s angry remark against Descartes, one of the French scientists and philosophers best known in the world for open-mindedness, innovation, and logical research methodology, at least as creative as if not more than Socrates and Plato teaching mathematics to a slave boy of 12. Why André Joly’s anger? He had read Descartes’ introductory remarks to some scientific and philosophical book of his where he explained that proving the world is governed by simple scientific rules and laws that are said to be natural, is the best way to prove the existence of God. André Joly considered God should be banned from any intellectual or scientific activity. In one word, he was French. That was in the late 1980s.

 Molière will always be the best, even in classic alexandrines (sorry no translation available of the following lines):

 “Cachez-moi donc ce dieu d’enfer, de perdition,

Dieu de soufre et d’encens. Ne jamais concevoir

Cette logique horreur qui tue pure raison

Vous enferme l’esprit dans le sang d’un ciboire”

(Molièr’, Scapin, Tartuff’, Acte VI, Scene 3

Mais que diable allait-il faire en cette galère) Comment

Jacques Coulardeau uploaded a paper

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the Committee office of Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association.

Now we are calling for papers written by much more professional authors. It will be a great pleasure for Humanities or Social Sciences and Arts to present your recent research results. To make a contribution to the scientific community, you are invited to publish your precious unpublished papers in our journals.

Marian Bugiulescu


Jacques Coulardeau

2024 • Éditions La Dondaine,

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024


The Equallizer is an imperialistic Egocentric American




Imperialism in Equalizer is the natural vision of the United States of America on the world around them, starting just in front of their doors in their suburban neighborhoods.


Each citizen has the right to impose his own vision and rights onto his community, his neighborhood, his neighbors, his city, his county, his state, the USA, and naturally the whole world. It is Monroe’s Manifest Destiny of the USA. Tragic ! ! ! !


But to believe that ONE BLACK AMERICAN will be able to bring down one of the biggest Mafia families in Sicily is as absurd as planning to land on the sun and have a stroll there. Why don’t Americans mind their own business: Homeland Terrorism, CIA Terrorism, FBI Terrorism, PD Terrorism? And this list is not exhaustive ! ! ! !


What about social media Terrorism, School terrorism, Pedagogical and Didactic Terrorism, and Pharmaceutical Terrorism with opioids and other fatal but legal drugs? And what about the Fourth age (beyond 80) Terrorism with unfair competition from the just-under-the-80-year-old-limit hooligans who brandish all types of HooliGUNS that are as holy and sanitary as a waterless restroom in the middle of the Sahara? The exile Abraham condemned Ishmail and his slave mother to: go and die for the glory of Isaac ! ! ! !

The imperialistic mind in the USA is so strong, that even a Black vigilante cannot resist five minutes to the violent desire to intervene in Italy and defeat a Mafia family, and waste a lot of good wine. That Black vigilante has nothing to do in Italy. Let him go back to New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. He is not some OSS 117 secret agent.

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Criminal Justice,  *  Ethnic and Racial Studies,  *  Imperialism,  *  Crime,  *  Mafia

Saturday, January 20, 2024


Fuzzy, Frizzy and entangled




Multiverses are crisscrossing one another in this series, at times within each episode, at times even in the middle of a scene, just for twenty frames. But the passage from A to B, from the human world to the crazy imagined world, is easy. Just drown yourself and off you go and can come back if you are revived within five minutes earthen time. Otherwise, bye bye food, drink , clothing or even family jewels. You will stay on the other side.


This series does not even pretend to explain how 150 million people disappeared in two seconds, including unborn fetuses. I guess explanations are for naïve and senseless, insensitive, non-sensible people who consider if you do not provide them with a sequence A because B since C and therefore D, you are speaking gibberish to the birds of that Italian saint who spoke to birds and fed himself once in a while on one of them he captured and cooked on a campfire.


Enjoy the complete mess & the end will be a good old Hollywoodian happy ending, though not with that many children ever after.


Apocaltyptic science fiction does not sell very well, so let it be messy, fuzzy, and all entangled, plus a good old romantic happy ending, and Hollywood wins one more war against the people who want good, sound, solid science fiction. Nothing solid under the sun.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Science Fiction,  *  The Apocalypse of John,  *  Drowning,  *  Multiverses,  *  Religious Cults


Friday, January 19, 2024


Sacred arts and music are worth a long trip to heaven




I covered the Festival of La Chaise-Dieu nine times from 1996 to 2004 for the local press La Galipote in Vertaizon, Puy de Dôme, and L’Écho de la Haute Loire, Le Puy en Velay.


When you get into this abbey church you cannot come out unchanged. A visit is a real epiphany. I don’t know if you meet God or the Cosmos, but, surely, you meet with a transcendence that goes so far beyond the simple rain outside that you may feel as if a storm of butterflies was falling onto you, and like psychopomps of eternal life, taking you on their wings to the other side of nowhere, that’s somewhere where everything is music, light, colors and dancing.


The Choir Tapestries are also unique and once again you can do what this book does: look at the details, the quotations, and the Biblical characters, or you can do what this book does not do: look at the characters as if they were your direct relatives in the street at rush hour, feel their hearts beating and their minds palpitating and you follow them into another world where war does not exist, where work is divine, where knowledge and science are the real salvation of this universe.


You draw one thread and you let it come to you and along the thread, like a knotted cords of the Incas, Quipus, you communicate and empathetically merge with all the knots’ contain and you start traveling back in the past to know where we are coming from, and into the future to imagine sacred music in 1,000 years. Jacques COULARDEAU, LA CHAISE DIEU, 3015: Les aventures de Loukardill en musique sucrée (Sweet Music, University of Jupiter on Europa), Édition en français, 5 juillet 2014, KDP Edition, Kindle Store on all Amazon sites.


And when you come back from that trip back to the future, you are ready to go back to a trip back to the past again. Dunn North Carolina and Davis California and the discovery of racism as the sin of those who think they are the selected people ignoring what their gods tell them that there is no chosen people, that we all have to strive to prosper and reject fake racist competition to practice meditation and empathy with the suffering of the cosmos and the deep desires of all human beings: to know peace and to love all those who have love to give or need to receive love to learn how to give some in their turn. Jacques COULARDEAU,  Black Widow Lover: Amour et Veuves Noires, Édition en français, 19 février 2022, KDP Edition, Kindle Store on all Amazon sites.


That’s the miracle of La Chaise-Dieu and the Choir Tapestries you have to spend at least 13 hours with, one hour per tapestry. But You better get this book and learn it by heart, or take it along, with some kind of a stool, so that you can sit in front of each triptych and discover all the details about them in the book The rest in your mind, your soul, your spirit and you will discover your spirit is as holy as holy can be in our forlorn and abandoned world.


La Chaise-Dieu is a magic and sacred place. The magic of the Spirit and the Mind playing goofy-goof with the Soul and never finding any way out of the trick. But the solution is contained in the Choir Tapestries of the Abbey Church: Jesus at the last supper with Mary Magdalena on this left an the kid apostle John on his right. That's the trinity of Love I want to remember.


Jacques Coulardeau

2024 • Éditions La Dondaine,

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

10 Pages

Music,  *  Architecture,  *  Sacred Music,  *  Gothic Art,  *  Sacred Arts

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Exhibited Perverse Voyeurism




This film is probably a masterpiece, but it has all the defects of a provocation. It will have to teach its audience how to step back from their erotic voyeurism in order to see the deep perverse psychological logic in the three main male characters.


They may desire one another two by two or all three at once. They may desire only themselves as males, but also with one or two female disruptions, female entertainments, and female discardable toys. Women are only distractions, as Blaise Pascal would say, from the main divine target of men perverted into enjoying a limitless life in excessive wealth that destroys all possible human and humane perspectives, hence any moral or ethical hesitation before doing anything pleasurable for the man in bliss, even if and maybe especially because it is hurtful to the targets and the suffering beneficiaries of the bullying since it is bullying in the end.

If you are not from that top social class, but from a slightly lower class, and hence only have limited means you have to take care of and economize, then your only hope in this society is to cannibalize one family of the top aristocracy. That’s nothing but a narcissistic project because you are going to do it for the sole love and sake of yourself, and only yourself, not even your soul. At the end of it, you will be the king of the estate, but the king will be naked and the emperor will be standing and strutting in his new clothes. The main character will love it because these new clothes are light and they hide nothing, but only to his own eyes in the mirror in the bathroom he will break with his own fists after enjoying his fluid liberation in the washstand.


This film deserves a serious PG classification, not because of the nudity, not because of the sex scenes, not because of the gross language, but for only one reason. The psychology of the three main male characters is autistic along the savant line of Asperger’s patients, but autistic all the same in the absolute bellybutton windows of their narcissism à la Jimi Hendrix. But then two of them do not seem to know the third one is going to win, blowing up their bellybuttons into total fetal regression… and death if possible.

 Éditions La Dondaine, 2024

Gay And Lesbian Studies,  *  Cannibalism,  *  Aristocracy,  *  Paranoia,  *  Narcissism

Monday, January 08, 2024


Exposition of newborns, fraud in sports, ignominious father





This topic, and its standard timeline and suspense architecture was used vastly on Italian opera stages in the 18th century. Josef Mysliveček is one composer, the latest then, who used the topic, subject, drama, and suspenseful crime story to entertain the vast opera audience in Italy at the time from Naples to Venice and many other cities. The story was used by Vivaldi (1734) and Pergolesi (1735) on a libretto by Pietro Metastasio (1733) before Mysliveček The first composer to deal with the libretto was Antonio Caldara in a production in Vienna, Austria in 1733.

The topic is inspired by ancient Greek stories and is in a way a romantic drama that ends well. It brings together a newborn supposedly exposed to the sea by order of his father, a king of course; a fraudulent public fight in which the official contender appoints a friend of his to fight in his place to make sure he will win the prize; the prize is the daughter of the king who had his son exposed to the sea, quite a gentleman that king, even in Ancient Greece. You can imagine the embroglio in the city when the rigged public fight was revealed, and then when the real identity of the main culprit was revealed by accident just minutes before he was executed for his fraud, standing there in a white robe on Jupiter’s altar, the executing tools already brandished by order of his own real but unknown father. And the gentleman of a king does not even seem polite enough to excuse himself, to say he was sorry for his totally inhumane decisions in his life. Luckily in all the cases I have been able to listen to, the music saves the story.


And imagine the main culprit, the “champion” who asks his friend to fight for him, is thus trying to conquer the daughter of the local king who is in love with his own friend and who is loved by this very friend. He is trying to steal the love of his friend, after having abandoned the woman he loved in his country, Crete, in order to come to Greece to be able to conquer this daughter of a barbaric father. A French Revolution is definitely needed in this opera topic. Luckily, Beaumarchais and Mozart were supposed to come soon and were already there when Mysliveček produced his version of the tale in 1778 since Beaumarchais produced his play “Le Mariage de Figaro” in Paris in 1778. Mozart composed his “Marriage of Figaro” in 1786 in Vienna, Austria, premiere performance on May 1st, announcing, a century before the Chicago massacre, the famous Labor Day of May 1st still celebrated today. Once a Freemason, always a Freemason.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Baroque Music,  *  Fraud,  *  Newborn Infant,  * ópera,  *  Rigged

Friday, January 05, 2024


Patriotic chauvinism




The Gestalt is French, the three colors of the French flag in proper order, blue, white, and red, plus the three mottoes of the French Republic, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, both patterns being spread onto Europe, France, Switzerland, Poland, and a few others like England that will never be reached. It has little to do with love, but it has all to do with vengeance and maybe some divine natural justice


Blue means epiphany in repairing the damage caused by a dead husband. White means the epiphanic vengeance against a dissatisfied oversexual wife who tried to get rid of her husband to have legal lovers. Red is an epiphanic resurrection of a retired judge lost in spying on his neighbors and is led to repair what he did though no material harm had been caused.


And it all ends up with the intervention of God’s justice from ahigh in the form of a storm that capsizes a ferryboat between Calais and Dover killing hundreds of people and saving seven, all the epiphanic actors of the three films. Kieslowski who, as indicated in his name, likes snowboarding, or skiing, on scabrous and unethical situations, tries to be the Archangel Gabriel though he only is Christopher, to punish the bad ones (1,400 innocent victims who are not innocent since they did not repair the evil they had caused one way or the other) and redeem the epiphanically repentant. I am sure this filmmaker is eating one pound of priest flesh every morning for breakfast.


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Repentance,  *  Vengeance,  *  Epiphany,  *  Romantic love,  *  Hypocrisy


Le Règne commence mal




It was a series of great value, deeply historical and sociological, but the last two films are disappointing. The last but one with the visit of the King was of a banal formal and pompous cavalcade but with some slight interest in that quaint English monarchy. But this latest opus is at most a way to pass two hours without thinking too much. Disappointing. Sad.


No, really, the small little secret of this aristocratic family that has to lie to cover up – and keep – their privileges, though they cannot repair their leaky roof. So, they let a film be produced in the building for a good sum of interesting money. Note we are not told anything about it, particularly how much it is.


The acme of hypocrisy is reached when they discover the Earl of the Abbey is not the son of his father and hence has no blood right to be the Earl of this Abbey, and his children have even less right than him. So, lie, lie again, and lie always, to keep your privileges. This is done the way it could be done in a pulp novel about the promiscuity of a few teenagers with one girl getting pregnant and she cannot say who the father is. Luckily, we have DNA nowadays (NAD in text language).


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Irish Studies,  *  Film Studies,  *  Cinema,  *  Film,  *  Cinema Studies,  *  Aristocracy,  *  Romance,  *  Landlords and Tenants

Tuesday, January 02, 2024


Asia has always been against colonialism




The Asian century is well under way and it has to come from the culture. Some of the most creative though least recognized creators are living and working in  Asia. Chinese sentimental literature, science fiction, spiritual pilgrimages are already at the top. The cinema is following, and comic books should be at the top soon; Music is developing, and ballet or opera have always been at the top.


Take India and you have the same rich culture, though quite different. It is not the provocations and the proxy-strategy of some who believe they are the gendarmes of the world that will change it. Those vain archaic colonial minds even take the risk of causing a recession in the world to prevent two countries, India and China to take over the USA, the poor darling federal state that works on a permanent emergency mode.


Proxy in Europe. Imagine what is going to happen when the Europeans realize they are alone and big Brother went back home in his lair. Proxy then in the Middle East and Palestine. Imagine when BIBI realizes he is alone and Big Brother, the evanescent BB, is losing his own elections. I guess they will have to stop with philandering in politics, a practice known as filibustering. The French could give them de Gaulle’s provision against this disease in his 1959 constitution: article 49, section 3. Is it that simple?


Between withdrawing the troops and keeping the war on for several more months. The dilemma of the world. To accept what is changing in the world and the end of the US gendarme brandishing their atomic deterrent. They used it in Japan. They nearly did it in Vietnam. They will never do it anywhere else.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Spirituality,  *  Cultural History Of Ghosts,  *  Youth Culture,  *  Fantasy Literature,  *  China

Monday, January 01, 2024


Holy Holly! What a change!




Stephen King deserves, from time to time, and some might say always, we go back to older works and read them again or watch them again. This Outsider is a perfect case.


Stephen King blends together some old mythology that has to do with the oldest populations in the Americas, and in this case those from South America and Mesoamerica. Their legends and mythologies have a lot to do with the same in Southeast Asia and all the islands, small or big, of the South Pacific, not with those of Siberia.


These populations must have arrived in South Chile and on the West coast of South America sometime around 30,000 BCE. They inherited the DNA of the South Pacific Homo Sapiens that included an 8 to 10 % Denisovan DNA that enabled them to live at high altitudes with a level of oxygen a lot lower than at normal altitudes. A trait they must share with Tibetan humans in the Himalayas.


The necessary research on the DNA of these populations has not been done yet because it implies a migration from the South Pacific to Chile and maybe Peru and a constant movement north with the meeting with those coming from Siberia somewhere in North Mexico and more probably in South and Southwest USA.


That’s Stephen King’s context and it is fascinating. But do not make the mistake of seeing El Cuco as an Extraterrestrial. He probably is either a humanoid being having gone through phenomenal mutations, a humanoid being from an alternative level of reality, or a simple figment of the imagination of Homo Sapiens since they started being able to invent stories and communicate them orally to other people something like 300,000 BCE.


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Mythology,  *  Aztecs,  *  Fear of Crime,   *  Maya Art,  *  Mesoamerican Religion

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