Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The Secret To Success | Life Lesson Short Story

They do, they smile, I have seen it so often.


Even with teh Tigers, the Tamils did not win.




A novel of political fiction that does not reach science-fiction but wants to tell us a lot about the modern world and what the choices are for us in this decaying future. The pattern, the Gestalt of this book seems to be that no matter what humans try to do, good or bad, progressive or reactionary, democratic or dictatorial, there is no hope and no future for those initiatives. Any attempt at changing the decaying world we live in is doomed to be a failure.


What is history? The production of what happens in our world, in fact, in the cosmos, and no human individual, no human crowd, no human anything can control or change the course of such events. If by any chance we want to understand what makes history, we have to consider billions, maybe trillions of parameters in the cosmos and we, the human dwarves we are, do not even control half a dozen of them and our vanity makes us believe we can command the cosmos because we want to be gods. In the old days and in other civilizations than the Western denied Bible, they were humble enough to give this power to a God that was not of the human species.

Here Salman Rushdie follows a witch bewitched by a goddess who pretends she can create a whole empire from a bag, or rather a sack of seeds, and this leads to a total and pitiful defeat and absolute termination of the attempt, but it means Salman Rushdie is predicting that all the positive elements his witch tries, religious tolerance, education for boys and girls equally, women’s rights, gender-friendly policies, peace and coexistence, and finally freedom of expression are all doomed to fail and crumble as soon as they reach some height. In other words, his novel and his vision are the rewriting of the Babel Tower myth.


Sorry boys and girls, no future for any progressive dream, just as much as for any regressive nightmare. Life and history are neither a dream nor a nightmare. They are nothing but cosmic determinism governed by the cosmos itself, and we can be happy with the fact our world is not in a black hole. But after all, maybe that’s the destiny and fate of humanity, to end up in a bottomless black hole.

2024 • Éditions La Dondaine,

10 Pages

Islamic Studies,  *  India,  *  Dravidian Linguistics,  *  Fatalism,  *  Vijayanagara

Monday, May 06, 2024


Welsh Rural Cesspool




This series is very well done, suspenseful, at least as much as possible, twisted and distorted like any crime series should be but unluckily it is biased. It states to anyone who wants to listen that crime has roots in only one thing: family dysfunctioning and nothing else. The fact that society leads some people who do not fit in the standard mold to rebellion, frustration and violence by being biased against them and bullying them all the time and if they want to have contacts with people, they have to go down on their knees and beg for a favor.

That’s too bad because the cases in this rural north Wales area deserve a lot better, and probably, a more open vision of crime in this community.

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Cognitive Bias, *  Obsessionality, *  Crime,  *  Vengeance,  *  Wales


Wednesday, May 01, 2024


Spirituality in the Heart of History




On July 13, 2024, at La Chaise-Dieu, the European Network of Casadean Sites will present a public conference on the topic of the Benedictine Revolution in Livradois-Forez, led by the La Chaise-Dieu Abbaye, starting a bit earlier with the religious reform brought up by Charlemagne in the 9th century. The Abbaye was founded less than 200 years later. The conference will focus the discussion – and it has to be a discussion – on the consequences of the Carolingian religious reform, the agricultural revolution with the invention of the horse collar and the management of the land, the rotation of crops, cultivation, and fertilization. Then the proto-industrial revolution that will bring five types of watermills for grain, oil, tan, hemp (fiber and cloth), and slightly later paper. This will make Livradois-Forez an essential region producing hemp cables and hemp cloth for ships. The first result was 75 days without any work in the year, no work before and after morning and evening angelus, and a pause with midday angelus. The second result was better food and demographical expansion, up to the end of the 13th century.


Then things became darker. Overpopulation brought unrest and all sorts of contests and conflicts at the religious level itself (Crusades in the Middle East, but also against the Cathars in France. Then in 1346, the Black Death, a pandemic in Europe of the bubonic plague, caused a tremendous level of deaths. Then, the One Hundred Years War started in 1337. The resilience of the population enabled Europe in general to go through, and around 1450 the printing press was developed by Gutenberg enabling the printing of books for the highly-needed university training of great numbers of people to bring Europe back on its feet. The Renaissance was the result of this period, a tremendously positive and creative period, and at the same time, a highly-disturbed era with The Reformation, and the religious wars that concerned all countries at a time when nationalism was emerging.

Two speakers-debaters will present the five or six centuries concerned as fast as possible to let the audience debate questions like:

1-    The influence and impact of Charlemagne’s religious reform.

2-    The feudal system: land ownership and serfdom.

3-    The role of technology to produce energy, replace human work, and develop new products.

4-    Religious tensions with Avignon and Rome conformist Popes.

5-    The role of The Inquisition and religious justice.

6-    The fate of the cable industry when Omerin In Ambert is number one in Europe or the world for various high-security and high-technicity cables.

7-    The culture: architecture, music, painting, carving, theater, oratorio and opera, literature.



SAMEDI 13 JUILLET 2024 – 14-17 HEURES 30.

The two main speakers so far are Dr Jacques COULARDEAU (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and PhD Graduate Student Clément GOMY (Université Clermont Auvergne) with a direct contribution by Ludivine BOURDUGE and Xavier OMERIN on the adventure of the Omerin Family.


Make it a day visit with the Abbey church to visit, the choir tapestries in their new shrine, Lavaudieu’s Abbey church of the female branch of the order, and climbing to the top of what they call in La Chaise-Dieu the scaffoldings of the abbey church. You may also come across Saint Robert de Turlande in the cloister if you can meditate on and contemplate twelve centuries of human history in this heart of spirituality.




Le 13 juillet 2024, à La Chaise-Dieu, le Réseau Européen des Sites Casadéens présentera une conférence publique sur le thème de la Révolution Bénédictine en Livradois-Forez, structurée par l'abbaye de La Chaise-Dieu, bien qu’elle eût commencé un peu plus tôt par la réforme religieuse élaborée par Charlemagne au 9ème siècle. L'Abbaye a été fondée moins de 200 ans plus tard. La conférence orientera la discussion – et cela doit être une vraie discussion – sur les conséquences de la réforme religieuse carolingienne, la révolution agricole avec l'invention du collier de cheval et la gestion des terres, la rotation des cultures, les méthodes agraires et la fertilisation. Puis la révolution proto-industrielle qui apportera cinq types de moulins à eau pour les céréales, l'huile, le tan, le chanvre (fibre et toile) et, un peu plus tard, le papier. Le Livradois-Forez deviendra ainsi une région incontournable pour la production de câbles et de toiles de chanvre pour la marine, marchande en un premier temps et royale au 17ème siècle. Le premier résultat a été 75 jours sans aucun travail dans l'année, aucun travail avant et après l'angélus du matin et du soir, et une pause avec l'angélus de midi. Le deuxième résultat fut une meilleure alimentation et une expansion démographique, jusqu'à la fin du 13ème siècle.


Puis les choses sont devenues plus sombres. La surpopulation a provoqué des troubles et toutes sortes de luttes et de conflits au niveau religieux lui-même (croisades au Moyen-Orient, mais aussi contre les Cathares en France). Puis en 1346, la peste noire, une pandémie de peste bubonique en Europe, a provoqué un terrible désastre. Puis, la guerre de Cent Ans éclata en 1337 et dura 120 ans. La résilience de la population permit à l'Europe en général de s'en sortir et vers 1450 l'imprimerie fut développée par Gutenberg permettant l'impression de livres pour les formations universitaires indispensables et l’éducation d'un grand nombre de personnes pour remettre l'Europe sur pied. La Renaissance est le résultat de cette période, une période extrêmement positive et créatrice, et en même temps, une époque très perturbée avec la Réforme Protestante et les guerres de religion qui ont concernée. tous les pays à une époque où le nationalisme émergeait.


Deux intervenants-débatteurs présenteront succinctement les cinq ou six siècles concernés pour permettre au public de débattre de questions telles que :

1- L’influence et l’impact de la réforme religieuse de Charlemagne.

2- Le système féodal : propriété foncière et servage.

3- Le rôle de la technologie pour produire de l'énergie, remplacer le travail humain et développer de nouveaux produits.

4- Tensions religieuses avec les papes conformistes d'Avignon et de Rome.

5- Le rôle de l'Inquisition et de la justice religieuse.

6- Le sort de l'industrie du câble, alors qu'Omerin à Ambert est numéro un en Europe ou dans le monde pour divers câbles de haute sécurité et de haute technicité.

7- La culture : architecture, musique, peinture, sculpture, théâtre, oratorio et opéra, littérature.


SAMEDI 13 JUILLET 2024 – 14-17 HEURES 30.

Les deux principaux intervenants sont pour le moment le Docteur Jacques COULARDEAU (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) et le Doctorant Clément GOMY (Université Clermont Auvergne) avec une contribution de Ludivine BOURDUGE et Xavier OMERIN sur l’aventure de la Famille Omerin.


Faites-en une journée complète de visite avec l'église abbatiale qui vaut un coup d’œil, les tapisseries du chœur dans leur nouvelle châsse architecturale qui valent un deuxième coup d’œil, l'église abbatiale de Lavaudieu de la branche féminine de l'ordre, et la montée au sommet de ce qu'on appelle à La Chaise-Dieu l‘échafaudage de l'église abbatiale avec un casse-croûte tout en haut. Vous pourrez également croiser Saint Robert de Turlande dans le cloître si vous avez la patience de méditer et contempler douze siècles d'histoire humaine dans ce cœur vivant de spiritualité.


2024, Éditions La Dondaine,

28 Pages

Feudalism and Lordship,  *  Charlemagne,  *  Middle Ages,  *  Catholic Church,  *  History of Serfdom

Monday, April 29, 2024


Big Creationist Creational Bang, Thank You Einstein!




Xavier Rouard searches and researches the linguistic world, scientific research of course, for the origin, the cradle, the homeland, or the motherland, of Indo-European. He is not the only one in the world, but he goes against practically all the others by positioning this linguistic nursery in Central Asia based on a Eurasian or trans-Eurasian language or languages. But precisely Eurasian languages only came into existence from the moment when syntactic-analytic Indo-Iranian languages left the Iranian plateau where they had stationed themselves when they arrived from Black Africa, some 40,000 years ago, or BCE, not much difference here. They had to go through the Ice Age first and finally get on the move after this climate event probably around 15,000 BCE, some east to the southern Asian continent, with Pakistan and India, others west down into Mesopotamia and from there to Europe. These people, on both side, encountered people who spoke other languages, Turkic agglutinative languages, and isolating Sino-Tibetan languages, mostly. These languages had integrated the Denisovans and their own language(s). Thes encountered people were hybrid Homo Sapiens with a varying proportion of Denisovan DNA in Central Asia, and the same in Mesopotamia with             a varying proportion od Neanderthalensis DNA. When they reached Europe, the population was essentially of Turkic language and origin with a varying level of hybridization with European Homo Neanderthalensis. It is such encounters that generated or engendered the various Indo-European or Indo-Aryan languages


My approach is phylogenetic and thus it is absolutely impossible for me not to take into consideration the migrations and geographic, hence social, cultural and linguistic movements of these populations. That’s the basic principle of Joseph Greenberg who considered that all these migrations had only one matrix or melting pot that produced the emergence of human articulated language on the basis of what these emerging Homo Sapiens inherited from the other Hominins from which they were descending.


But Joseph Greenberg and his disciples encountered a problem: in all language you should find a certain number of words whose “roots” are universal and stable in meaning. These are the roots coming from Black Africa before any migration  out of Black Africa. The problem is then that it does not enable any topology of languages. So, they, Greenberg and his disciples, tried to introduce “grammatical” or “syntactic” words, but even so it does go that far.


To get somewhere you have to ask the question about the phylogeny of articulated language(s), and there you only find three articulations in a precise order: root-languages (by the way vastly ignored by Xavier Rouard), Isolating character languages, and agglutinative as well as synthetic-analytic languages according to the migrations out of Black Africa. If you do not consider this phylogeny, then you put all sorts of languages together in the melting pot and you let things happen all by themselves. In my approach, languages are in contact thanks to the contacts established among the various communities speaking different languages, with exchanges, borrowings and communication.  But finding out that words are vastly common among the languages of this Central Asian area does not prove anything. It is just the proper way languages works at the level of words.


60% of English words are of French origin. That does not make English a Romance language because the syntax of English is definitely Germanic, and this makes English a Germanic language. That’s why  a language can borrow words from another language because the syntax is not changed. Syntactic changes  can only come from the phylogenic evolution of the concerned language, within the phylogeny of its linguistic family, within  the phylogeny of language as a human competence.


Welcome and enter the debate.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

14 Pages

Languages and Linguistics,  *  Black/African Diaspora,  *  Indo-European Studies,  *  Human origins (Anthropology),  *  Phylogeny

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Crime is business, Police work is a spiritual vocation




Three crime series in one entry.

First, The Brokenwood Mysteries; seasons 1 to 3.

Second, The Coroner, Complete Series.

Third, The Unforgotten, Series 1 to 4, Complete Series.


Police series, detective stories, criminal mysteries, and many other options in the field of crime and delinquency have been explored by the English from the first moment they started existing, a very long time ago.


Shakespeare and he was not the first author in the field, loved those stories of crimes and criminals, having people assassinated, or mutilated, or tortured on the stage from Titus Andronicus to Romeo and Juliet.


Dickens was a good one too in that field, but Shakespeare looked at crime from the outside, from some ethical point of view. Dickens looked at it from inside, from the point of view of the criminals themselves forced to commit crimes in order to simply survive.


Then you had Mary Shelley and her Frankenstein and then later on Dracula came into the picture, and many others trill we came across Conan Doyle who edicted the proper form of a crime story or detective story, hence an investigation of a crime we can only see from outside, and the investigation is to get into it to see how it got developed and who was the criminal.


Since then, with the radio at first, the cinema next, and finally television leading directly to streaming and the Internet, those police adventures have just become adventures, and the extreme form is what they call action films where violence is no longer criminal since it has been transformed into the ultimate survival if not the final renascence before the apocalypse.


Enjoy these series.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Criminal Justice,  *  Police Science,  *  Ethics,  *  Crime,  *  Investigation

Monday, April 22, 2024


Awesome Mayas and their temples


Let Them Speak In Glyphs

The Mayas are more a cultural and historical mystery than a vast field of knowledge. We know less than we can even imagine about them. Where did they come from? What language did they speak before coming to Mesoamerica? What were their beliefs before arriving in Yucatan? They brought with them cacao, chocolate, writing, mathematics, extremely advanced calendars, phenomenal knowledge about stars, planets and the cosmos. They even brought with them a vigesimal counting system with the mathematics going along with it, including the equivalent of our zero (that we borrowed from the Arabs in the 17th century) that enabled them to count up to the infinite.


The most remarkable achievement is that they managed to merge phenomenal art with the glyphic writing system of theirs. We know the glyphs were works of art, for one, and a syllabary phonetic writing system, for two. For a very long time the second aspect was rejected, particularly by Sir Eric Thompson. Luckily this untruth was rejected after his death, with a little bit of disregard before his death. The glyphs were not flat symbolic of items and purely artistic, like some kind of secondary if not superfluous decoration. The colonizing Spaniards considered that decoration as diabolical and they burned and destroyed all the books and artifacts that carried such artistic representations of Maya reality and such glyphs that could only be the language of the devil.


Imagine how surprised I was when I discovered this catalogue of an exhibition at the MET Museum of Art in New York. They provide some images of the glyphs, and even some sentences written with them. But they systematically ignore the glyphs, transliterate the sentences and words into Latin-transliterated Maya, and simply work and speculate on these transliterations and their translations into English. They lose all the richness of meaning and beauty of the glyphs. In other words, they terminate, bring to a final end the destructive work of the Spaniards, the culturicide of the Mayas and the Maya culture and civilization. My full study (about 15,000 words, only in English) is available on, at or as a PDF on at


My objective in this long study of mine is to show and evaluate with examples the tremendous loss this catalog, for one, and this exhibition, for two, assume and endorse irreversibly for the audience and the readers. It is very fine and dandy to know that the Maize God is called “Jun Nal Ye,” but the composite glyph that represents this name is a lot richer:

. Every single detail of the three syllabic phonetic elements in the composite glyph is meaningful, and most of these details are dropped by the transliteration. Some of them may be contradictory, and the meaning such contradictions carry tell us a lot about the very nature of this God who is born every spring and who dies every fall. This writing system is absolutely fascinating and the MET of New York just burry it without even giving some examples of this brilliant and awesome writing system. Comment

Jacques Coulardeau uploaded a paper

The Mayas were colonized in the old days by the Spaniards. Their books were burned. Their temples were abandoned. Their writing was banned. A real culturicide along with European epidemics that destroyed more than half the population. What is being revived, resuscitated today?

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


All Along for so far 300,000 years

The 3 Literacies of Modern Age
Review of the Trikirion of Communication:
Symboleracy, Numeracy and Techneracy


The starting point is the phylogeny of communication because the educational topic I am going to address cannot even exist if there is no communication. We have to understand that all Hominins were communicating. Probably all Hominins after Homo Erectus included had some command of some articulated language, but only Homo Sapiens reached the comprehensive and sustainable command of the fully-articulated language, probably around 200,000 BCE.
The next great stage Is the development of representational and symbolic Inscriptions and paintings or engravings on all durable media available, rockface in caves, stone, bone, ivory, and tusks. This symbolic transcription of stories and experience, maybe some spiritual language accompanying some rituals, is the first form of writing seen as symbolic transcription and going back to 300,000 BCE with Homo Naledi, 100,000 BCE with Homo Neanderthalensis, and 50,000 with Homo Sapiens.
Syllabic and alphabetical writing only came around 3,500 BCE for Homo Sapiens. There might have been older cases, but archaeology has not yet covered the whole world for all types of symbolic inscriptions that could have led to symbolic phonetic writing. The next stage was the printing press which enabled mass education and mass communication.
The next stage is the digital age as the most advanced form of the mechanical development of oral and written communication, the latest development being Generative Artificial Intelligence. In this modern age, education has to shift completely from teacher-centered education to guided self-learning which is based on
1-    The self-learner’s desires.
2-    The self-learner’s choices.
3-    Teamwork.
4-    The freedom of expression, tolerance, and discussion, and the freedom of emotional intelligence.
5-    Motivation.
6-    No disruptive self-learners, only disruptive treatment of self-learners.
7-    All tools available to all self-learners with NO restrictions.
8-    Flexibility: top self-learners, average midway self-learners, students with special needs and differently-abled students, Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development, Guide-Coach-Teacher’s flexible self-learning.
9-    Systematic recap and discussion of achieved self-learning at the end of each phase.
10-  Multi-ism and Pluri-ism.
11-  This article presents a globalizing vision of about 65 years of experience in education in many countries and many circumstances.
The main methodological procedure is to capture the phylogeny of what I am studying, meaning the inner logic and processing that makes all these phenomena sustainable: at every step in the development, the phenomena themselves produce the means and energy that enable the next step to emerge.
Language is a self-developing communicational tool, and communication itself is a self-developing behavioral competence.
Keywords: Phylogeny; Communication; Writing; Printing Press; Digital Age; Artificial Intelligence; Flexibility; Self-learning.
Chapter in Progress in Language, Literature and Education Research Vol. 7
Dr. Atila Yildirim, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey.
BP International, India & UK
ISBN 978-81-971665-4-9 (Print)
978-81-971665-9-4 (eBook)
Published on March 29, 2024
2024, BP International,
Didactics,  *  Self-regulated Learning,  *  Pedagogy,  *  Self-directed learning,  *  Guidance and Counseling

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