Saturday, August 17, 2024


The Dark Night of a Caucasian White Mind




This 34K+ word publication is a critical presentation on the worst crime of Humanity against Humanity: the segregational – if not even worse – treatment of some individuals on the sole basis of color, sex, age, race, religion, beliefs, and so many other elements, even at times the way they dress. Slavery is a crime of humanity against itself: The victims of slavery are BOTH the slaves and the slave-owners. The former can die anytime by the hand of a white man, boy, girl, or woman. The latter dies in his own mind and loses his real humanity, except if he or she has a God or Goddess that would tolerate racism and slavery, or even encourage it.



1- FROM IVAN VAN SERTIMA (1976) TO DAVID IMHOTEP (second edition, 2021)

1a- Ivan Van Sertima, They Came Before Columbus, The African Presence In Ancient America, Random House Publishing Group, New York, 1976-2003

1b- Arslanoğlu, Kaan, Turkish As The Founding Language Of “Indo-European” The Concealed Root Of European Languages, Self-Published, 2024, Printed By Amazon, Brétigny-Sur-Orge, France.

2- Jacques Heers, Les Negriers En Terre D’Islam, VIIème-XVIème Siecle, Perrin, Paris, 2003-2007

3- Ronald Segal, Islam’s Black Slaves, The Other Diaspora, Farrar, Strauss And Giroux, New York, 2001, A Review


4a- Omar G. Reid, Sekou Mims, Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder: Definition, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Xlibris, 2004.

4b- Dr Joy Degruy, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing, Joy Degruy Publications Inc., Portland, Oregon, 2005.

5- Murray Gordon, Slavery In The Arab World, New Amsterdam Books, London, Revised edition April 21, 1998 (1987 – 1989)


2024, Éditions La Dondaine,

Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Europe After Roman Slavery, A Slow Renaissance




The social transformation and proto-industrialization of the Carolingian times in Europe was a deep revolution with hemp used for braiding and weaving performed with hydraulic power, not to mention the agriculture boosted by drainage, and irrigation. Education was central at all levels, and slavery was definitely eliminated from Europe. Despite the great challenges of the time, it was a great period for the arts, music, education, and demography. The last element was so good that it became a problem: overpopulation. The Black Death solved the problem with a 50% death rate in just ten years.


The Carolingian Reform or Renaissance of Charlemagne – Damn’d Sacred Charlemagne – crowned on December 25, 800 by a Pope whom he saved from an impeachment trial with the penalty to supremize the Carolingian Empire – this Carolingian Renaissance or Reform, managed, controlled, and directed by the Benedictines, we are still relying on, the 52 Sundays and a few festivals such as Christmas (the orgy of chocolate), Easter (the hunt for hare and rabbit eggs) and the Assumption (which became the Blueberry Festival at Col du Béal, Auvergne, France). It is not a question of re-establishing the celebrations of the Nativity, the Passion, and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, but of understanding the passage from the slave society before the Carolingians (you know Charles Martel and Poitiers or Tours in 732 was their starting point) to the feudal society which for our Livradois Forez introduced an unprecedented green revolution, water management in drainage and irrigation without any equivalent except in Babylon a long time ago BCE, and India and Sri Lanka a few centuries AD.


What’s more, this revolution is still here in Livradois-Forez with the braiding industry, of long ago, which gave birth to the core-spun thread industry that has become essential in the textile industry, especially for working clothes. The braiding loom has not changed much over the centuries, except with bigger, at times, braiding looms that have become more versatile for the various threads they braid around the core which can be any material from polyester to plain metal. The number-one world and global brand name in this field of cables is Omerin in Ambert, Livradois-Forez, France, the direct descendants of Saint Robert de Turlande in La Chaise-Dieu.


Enjoy the history of how the Middle Ages produced the basic research and implementation of an essential industry in the modern world for security, high tech, and all sorts of communication, WIFI, cordless, or with shielded cables, including 5G and soon coming 6G. There is NO GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE  without these cables that started to be produced sometime in the 10th century.

La Révolution Bénédictine Casadéenne du Livradois-Forez: De Charlemagne à François 1er

The Casadean Benedictine Revolution in Livradois-Forez

Jacques COULARDEAU (Auteur), Clément Gomy (Auteur),

Ludivine Bourduge (Autrice), Xavier Omerin (Auteur)

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

History,  *  Education,  *  Green Revolution,  *  Charlemagne,  *  Middle Ages

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