Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Jacques Coulardeau, Gustave Guillaume et Jacques Teyssier at (63)


La psychomécanique est la linguistique de demain car elle seule semble pouvoir allier les trois domaines que sont 
1- la description du langage dans ses fonctionnements syntactiques et paradigmatiques d'une part, 
2- la phylogénie du language d'autre part 
3- et la psychogenèse du langage 
en une synthèse conceptuelle unique bien que complexe. 

Vous trouverez ici quelques pistes d'approche qui ne sont que partiellement en train de passer sous presse ici et là, en Roumanie, en Italie, au Québec et en France. Ma recherche est entièrement faite en anglais mais les présentations concernées ont été faites en français.
Research Interests:
Programming Languages, Languages and Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Linguistics, Origin of Language, and Psychogenesis


I here present various presentations and approaches of language from a psychomechanic point of view, that of Gustave Guillaume and Jacques Teyssier, and of course mine. Some articles start being published on the questions of the origin of language in a phylogenetic perspective and of the acquisition of language from a psychogenetic point of view. It is today impossible to ignore the progress of anthropology and archaeology that prove more than we need the origin of all language to be somewhere in Africa, with recent discoveries opening some discussion on the site(s), and then successive migrations that are amplifying the three phylogenic phases of the invention of language by Homo Sapiens. We are today millions of miles away from a language given to Homo Sapiens ready made and ready to use and wear. Homo Sapiens invented it from scratch, meaning from what he inherited from Homo Faber , his ancestor, and then developing it with the physiological means his becoming a bipedal long distance fast runner provided him with.

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